Thursday, November 30, 2006

This . . .
I met "Tami" at IHOP (International House Of Prayer) just one time thru my daughter, Tarah in Kansas City.
That . . .
I don't know Tami at all, but this is a really good post.
This is That . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happened to read your last two blogs tonight, so I had to post twice. You were right, her post is amazing. Just the thought of being a "dwelling place for the presence of God" gives me hope.

My mind knew this was written in scripture, but my heart never grasped it. I guess I feel like I lose the Holy Spirit during the day. To be a "dwelling place", never crossed my mind. Well, maybe it did as a hope or as a desire. This is something to look forward to in the Holy Spirit. I want to grow much in this area! Laters, you rock Jerry.