Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jesus - You're My Idol

This . . .
I didn't watch American Idol this year.
But I have to admit that a Christian worship leader
from Conway got my attention . . .
and so I watched last night and tonight.
That . . .
The world is very tempting, very talented, very enticing.
KISS, Santana and Black Magic Woman.
Lucifer was the head musician (worship leader)
in heaven before his fall.
He has imparted much to the enemy camp.
Who can endure?
This is That . . .
Watching American "Idol" seemed like a prophetic
picture of what's going on in the world.
The battle is raging.
Judgement is coming.
Sin is on the rise and on the way to coming to fullness.

Unity, perfection, and
the full power of God are coming.
God is raising up an army of love sick worshipers.
God is very merciful, loving and kind.
Both in His judgements and His blessings.
Wholeheartedness is required.
This is no time time to sit back,
back off or turn on the cruise control.
Don't back off, press in.
Prayer matters.
So pray.
We are NOT the champions.
God is the Champion . . .
The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
In the end . . . JESUS wins.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wrong is Wrong

This . . .
I saw this story in the Arkansas Democract this week.
Jermaine Cooper led officers on a 90-mph chase
before stopping suddenly at a Taco Bell in an
unsuccesful attempt to get a burrito before
going to jail.
That . . .
Here is the "James" recipe for bacon spaghetti.
Cook the spaghetti, it's too crunchy raw.
Fry up some diced bacon and then add
a diced up onion. Drain the grease.
Add tomato sauce and season however.
It doesn't hurt to add a little water
if the sauce is too thick.
Add tobasco sauce and you're good to go.
This is That . . .
President Obama had this to say about abortion.
"Sometimes we need to just agree to disagree."
We need to agree to disagree that killing babies is OK?
We can agree to disagree about what kind of spaghetti
sauce is best, or which green shirt goes best with the
yellow pants, but abortion is in the right or wrong
category and we cannot agree
that a wrong thing is right.
I heard this conversation on the news this week.
Liberal: "Since you think waterboarding is OK,
how would you like to be waterboarded?"
Conservative: Since you think abortion is OK,
how would you like to be aborted?"

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Don't Not Know This Is That

This . . .
I saw a guy walking two rats this morning.
Let me tell you, these were some big rats . . .
almost as big as dogs.
That . . .
I just got back

from photographing a 1949 Class Reunion.
Not very many were in attendance.
I was waiting for the go ahead and noticed the
lady in charge carefully counting the class members.
I waited til she had finished and then asked,
"How many are here?"
She immediately turned around

and started counting again.
This is That . . .
"It doesn't matter much to me whether Jesus

comes back before the tribulation (pre-trib) or if
he comes back at the end of the tribulation (post-trib).
I know it will work out in the end."

This sounds right, sounds good and seems wise.
But I believe,

this attitude is wrong, bad and not wise at all.
Please pray this prayer . . .
"God, WAKE ME UP!"
We are in the generation of the Lord's return.
It is a BIG thing. Bigger than Abraham's adventures;
Bigger than Moses leading God's people out of Egypt.
Even bigger than Jesus' first coming.

The end of this age will be more "Earth Shaking"
than the beginning.
Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem

as a Jewish man to be King of the earth.
You might want to read that again.
The present leadership of the earth will be out.
Jesus will be in.
At his return, everything will change.
The rulers of all the nations who are not

believers in Jesus will be tossed out and killed.
(They won't be happy about this.)
The dead in Christ will be raised and given resurrection

bodies along with all the living believers.
We aren't going to heaven, heaven is coming to earth.
The bride of Christ will live in the New Jerusalem . . .
the place Jesus has prepared for us.

We will be joint heirs and rule with Him for a
1000 years in the millennium.
I believe it will really get good after that.
This transition has already begun.

The pieces have been being put in place
since the fall in the garden.
This IS what God is doing.

This is the gospel that we share.
This is why people need to repent and be saved.
When tribulation escalades into the

believers need to know and understand what
happening, and trumpet to all on the earth the truth
of God's sovereign intent to cleanse the earth of sin.
He will use the least amount of trouble possible,

to bring the greatest number of people,
to the deepest level of love,
without violating their free will.
Don't cast the knowledge of eschatology aside.
People get ready. Jesus is coming.