Friday, December 19, 2008

The Light Of The World

This . . .
Between 15 and 25 years ago, my wife Gari and I were involved with the Methodist children's choirs and directed more than a few children's musicals. I played Psalty a couple of times. He was a big blue song book. Gari played Grace in Amazing Grace. Tarah played Charity Church Mouse in I can't think of the name of it, the boys were sheep, camels, mice, shepherds, etc., there was 365 Days of Christmas, Mary Had A Little Lamb, and some other ones I don't remember.
At the heart of each musical was the good news of the gospel. Our goal was always to impact each child with the love of Jesus.
We directed together. Gari was great at costumes and I was good at sound and lights.
Sound-wise, we wanted every child to have a speaking part, and a microphone in the hand of everyone who spoke. We used tape recorded accompaniment with "Gari choreographed" actions and dance.
Light-wise, we had this homemade light board with off/on switches and dimmers, a lot of extension cords, and rigged up lights with a multitude of colored flood lights in cans on tall poles.
That . . .
My son Taylor informed me this week that his church was having a Christmas program and that he was going to provide the lighting. He dug out the old homemade lightboard and started looking in boxes for all the old flood lights. He found them, and amazingly, after twenty years, ALL of the flood lights still worked.
This is That . . .
As time goes on, many things change,
but The Light is still shining brightly.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stand Up For Jesus

This . . .
My mom says, "I think I'll get them some "theAter" tickets for Christmas"
I say, "TheAter tickets, or theater tickets?"
She says, "Tickets to the show".
That . . .
Sometimes it's hard for us to say what we really think, because we don't want to offend anyone.
Twenty years ago, I remember asking a Sunday School Class what they thought about abortion.
Almost to the person, their answer was, "I don't think it is right for me, but I don't think I should decide for someone else."
That is a safe answer.
Do you believe Jesus is the only way to God?
Do you believe in that speaking in tongues stuff?
Is a homosexual lifestyle sinful?
Do you believe a loving God would really send someone to hell?
Are muslims lost?
I could go on, but enough already.
Our answers might be one thing at church and another thing on the street.
This is That . . .
When all around, people are bowing down to Bale . . .
will I stand for Jesus?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

This . . .
Thinking you know where you are going is quite different from knowing where you are going.
If you just think you know where you are going, but you really don't then when you try to get where you are going, you won't get there.
You'll be lost.
That . . .
I know a couple who were considering adoption on one evening and had twin girls 24 hours later.
My daughter Tarah and a mission team of twenty or so are in KC this evening.
Tomorrow evening, they will be in Hong Kong.
This is That . . .
Isaiah 61

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Transformed Mind

This . . .
After you have been sitting for two or three years or longer, running, jogging or walking two miles is a formidable task.
I don't know what that word means, but going two miles certainly feels formidable to me.
The first time wasn't that bad, my body hadn't realized what was going on yet.
Day two was horrible.
Today was much better.
Tomorrow? We'll see.
That . . .
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Easier said than done.
I have my face turned toward God, but I fear my mind has only been partially transformed by his word. A very small partially.
I have never been one to use foul language, but sometimes a curse word will just pop into my head. I hate when that happens.
Though it is my least desire, thoughts come around that I really pray would not.
Help me Holy Spirit to keep my mind on Jesus and what the Bible says.
This is That . . .
Faith is believing God's promises for now.
Hope is believing God's promises for the future.
Wisdom is knowing the difference and believing those things we cannot see.
Don't doze off.

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Book Of Revelation

This . . .
I ran two miles in 33 minutes tonight.
OK, I didn't run . . . I jogged.
OK, I didn't jog . . . I walked mostly and limped a little faster some.
In 1970, with two good knees, 80 lbs. lighter and 38 years younger, I ran two miles in 9:20.
I'm only 23 minutes and 40 seconds from doing it again.
That . . .
The book of Revelation is Jesus' battleplan to drive evil off of the earth.
It is a prayer manual for the end time church.
Jesus is giving this information to the church, so that we can know what is coming
and join with Him thru prayer to declare it and bring it forth
just like Moses declared the plagues in God's plan to set His people free.
Revelation is the script Jesus will work from
together with the Church to confront and remove evil from the earth.
We must know and understand the script.
This is That . . .

The book of Revelation has four main sections.
1. (Rev. 1) The calling of John to prophecy about the end times.
2. (Rev. 2-3) Seven letters to the seven churches, highlighting the issues that face the church.
3. (Rev. 4-5) Jesus takes the scroll and accepts responsibility to execute the action plan to drive evil from the earth
4. (Rev. 6 thru 22) The end of the age battle plan of action.
The end of the age battle plan has five chronological sections along with angelic explanations.
1. The opening and release of the seals.
Angelic Explanation: The angel tells John that protection will be given to the church during the release of the seals, both from judgement and from compromise.
2. The release of the trumpet judements (more intense than the seals, ie increasing)
Angelic Exlanation: The angel pulls John aside and tell him, don't worry, you will receive prophetic direction during this time. You won't be confused and you won't be deceived.
3. The second coming of Christ and the announcement that all the leaders of the nations are going to be replaced.
Angelic Explanation: The anti-christ and the powers of darkness have been confronting Jesus, his plans and his people and the time has come to remove this evil from the earth.
4. The release of the bowls of wrath which are even more intense than the seals and the trumpets. The bowls of wrath "dash the nations".
John asks, why so severe?
Angelic Explanation: Because the seduction of the harlot religion has infiltrated every level of society and so everything that has been built on iniquity has to be brought down - dashed.
5. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He is received by the Jewish nation, He sits on his throne of glory and is King of Kings.
Angelic Explanation: The restoration of the Garden of Eden is coming back to earth. Heaven is coming to earth and all the promises of God will be fully released.