Friday, October 24, 2008

Things Are Not Looking Good

This . . .
Things are not looking good for the United States.
Even though "In God We Trust" is printed on our money,
I am no longer sure it is true.
Democracy has served us well over the years because we have trusted in God and the majority have stood with God concerning most issues of morality.
I fear the majority is shifting.
Our country has embraced abortion - killing babies in their mothers womb and calling it a right of the mother. That is so twisted.
Baby boys were killed in the Old Testament, but Moses survived to deliver God's people out of Egypt.
Baby boys were killed after the birth of Yashua, but Jesus has survived to deliver those who believe, from sin and death.
A generation of babies is being killed even now, but a mighty army of prayer warriors (mostly young people) is being raised up.
Our nation is embracing homosexuality.
This is an abomination (a bomb a nation) to God.
Marriages between men and men / women and women are being condoned.
This is not good, and don't think that we can fool "Mother Nature".
It's not nice, and God will not be mocked.
A vast number of citizens including Christians have embraced pornography. Many watch TV and movies that support all manner of immorality and know not what they are doing - as in the days of Noah.
WAKE UP! Stop It!
Naked men and women are but a click away, and many, many are clicking away.
God is shaking his head. He is slow to anger, but a time is coming.
Persecution of Christians in the USA and the world is rolling forward.
The outrage against Sara Palin is mostly about her belief in Jesus.
Unbelievers are no longer satisfied to be silent.
There is a growing RAGE against Christians.
It is a rage perpatrated by Satin himself.
We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities.
That . . .
Blow the trumpet in Zion.
Sound the alarm.
Turn to the Lord.
Fast and Pray.
Seek Him with all your heart.
Love the Lord your God.
This is That . . .
Judgement is coming.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Super Sara

This . . .
My son Nathan was home this weekend for his ten year class reunion, along with Amy, Eli, and Lucy. The activity around the house increased a notch or two for sure. Grandma was busy cooking this and that, and the rest of us were busy eating this and that, and keeping up with Lucy and Eli.
At one point my mom said, "Lucy is faster than I am!"
Everyone else knew that already.
Eli and Lucy were forever trying to catch up with our cats,
Putcat and Jasper.
In frustration Eli proclaimed, "The kitty is NOT in my hands!"
Eli sleeps in my room on the floor. He woke up at about 7:00 Sunday morning and just sat and looked at me til he woke me up with his gaze. I opened my eyes and he said, "Are you awake Grandpa?"
Lucy doesn't snuggle very well when she is going to sleep, but when she first wakes up, the snuggle is on!"
Fun week-end.
That . . .
I thought Sara Palin's appearance on SNL was a bad idea. Kind of like hangin' with the enemy.
I think I could have improved the skit quite a bit, here's how . . .
This is That . . .
It was all good up to the point where everyone was singing and dancing with Sara sitting and dancing off to the side. At that point, Sara should have secretly signaled for Tina Fey to come sit in for her unknown to the others. Then Sara would slip in to a phone booth and come out as Super Sara. With a side kick to the head, she would take out that stupid singing girl, and then deck the others with consecutive blows. Alec Baldwin would make an attempt to save the day, but he would slip on a moose hide and tumble into a hockey ring where he would be pelted by hockey moms. This would leave Tina Fey quitely doing her Palin dance routine at the desk, and Sara would walk up behind her with this big cream pie and place it firmly in her face. Then the camera would cut away to a shot of Sara, her husband and all their kids laughing hysterically because . . .
that's funny.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Extreme Makeover - Earth Edition

This . . .
I watched a little bit of "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" tonight.
Warm and fuzzy on a scale of 10? Off the chart.
From the single mom to the four boys to grandma and grandpa,
their response was all, "Oh, my God!"
I hope that was a true expression of praise.
That . . .
On one hand, it is easy to think, "Wow, I wish that could happen to me!"
Same thing with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the lottery, etc.
On the other hand . . . I wonder?
This is That . . .
Extreme Makeover - Earth Edition
Somewhat unknown, but better known as "The Millennium".
Jesus is coming to earth to oversee a 1000 year extreme makeover that will result in a return to a "Garden of Eden" where God the Father will come and again, walk among us.
Oh, my God . . . how do you even think of this stuff?
You really must be God - there is no one like you!
Bill Maher told David Pryor that he wasn't comfortable with anyone who believes in talking snakes ie Christians.
Just for the record, I believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, ax heads that float, coins in the mouth of a fish, men walking on water, seas that part, rivers that are rolled back, dead people who live again, water turned to wine, battles won by blowing shofars, a baby born of a virgin, blind people seeing, the lame walking, and casting our nets one more time on the other side.
Just to name a few.