Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sounding the Trumpet . . . Again

This . . .
There has been a sweet potato on our counter for a couple of weeks. Yesterday, it turned into a creature from the "vegetable lagoon". Very scary things growing out in every direction. I am thankful it is right next to the knives.
That . . .
So what is with all the flies? I think I know now why they're called house flies - because they are all in the house. Just how long does a fly live and do they come from sweet potatoes?
This is That . . . .
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.
Most believers have a pretty good idea of who God has been, but the question is . . .
Who is He? (What is He doing?) and what about the "is to come" part? (What are His plans?)
When I first started blogging, I wanted to "Sound The Alarm and Blow The Trumpet In Zion"
Nothing much has changed except we are closer to Jesus' return now than we were then.
I want to get back to it.
Here are five important things that I believe need to be trumpeted.
1. Great revival is coming. God is going to pour out his power on "The Bride of Christ" as he brings us into unity and perfects us in love. We are on a mission from God and he is going to empower us to be victorious. This will be the churches finest hour.
2. Great trouble and tribulation are coming as sin in the world comes into fullness. The trouble will come from a variety of sources, but it will all be orchestrated by God. He will use the least possible amount of trouble, to bring the greatest number of people into the deepest level of love without violating anyones free will. This will be really terrible trouble, but also a really great harvest.
3. Wholeheartedness is required. This is no time to continue in sin. Repent and turn your heart completely towards the Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Luke warm is going away and only the hot and cold will remain. Trust me, you want to be hot.
4. God is good, even when trouble comes, do not be decieved . . . God is GOOD. He is full of love, mercy, and kindness in the great outpouring and in the trouble. When trouble comes, people generally turn away from God, or run to Him. Make a decision now to ALWAYS run to Him for He is good.
5. Pray. God is raising up a mighty army of worship and intercession. Join the army. Call a sacred assembly. Fast. Pray. Cry out between the porch and the altar. Worship the Lord your God. Seperate yourself from the "things of the world". Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Meditate on God's word and pray over it.
These five points are all covered in the book of Joel - Only three chapters. Make that nine if you read it three times.


tarah said...

glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Me Too! Are you leading an Omega group again this season?

Jerry James said...

I would love to lead a group if I could get one going. We'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't give up...

For though you are a man of peace, like King Theoden of Rohan in LOTR, WAR IS UPON YOU!

But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. (Mat 13:16)