Monday, November 12, 2007

More on the Kingdom of God

This . . .
I was talking to our one fish today.
"I am lonely", he said sadly, "being the one and only fish in the tank".
"You ate all the other fish", I reminded him.
"They were delicious", he said, "but I'm still lonely.
That . . .
I love winter in Arkansas. It means you don't have to run the air conditioner near as often. Except when you have a fire in the fireplace. Then you have to run it about the same as summer.
This is That . . .
How do we define the Kingdom of God?
Here is one definition . . .
The Kingdom is anywhere the obedience to God's reign or government is manifested in peoples lives. Jesus is the King and so wherever he reigns as Lord . . . there is the Kingdom.
So the Kingdom of God, here and now, requires our cooperation. The Kingdom is already here in part wherever people yield to Jesus and make him Lord. But the Kingdom is not yet fully come until Jesus comes and rules and reigns during the millennium with fullness over the whole earth.
I guess that was more "a little one person discussion" than a "definition".
I invite you to jump in and think out loud with me.


Anonymous said...

There is a difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Heaven. The question is, how do you explain it? I will give it a shot. The kingdom of God encompasses everything created (the entire universe). Gods rule or government is universal. The kingdom of heaven speaks of where the seat of government is. God's rule is one thing and where he rules from is another. Here is another way of describing it. The kingdom of God is like the territory of the United States, (every state, city, town, street, etc. The kingdom of heaven, in this analogy, would be Washington D.C. The seat of Government is where the capital is. When Christ sets up His kingdom on the earth, His throne will be in a specific location, Jerusalem. He will rule all from this specific place. So, the kingdom of God is God's governmental rule over every created thing. The kingdom of heaven speaks of the place where He rules from.

Anonymous said...

We now that those who saved are delivered from the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of God's Son. If God's kingdom is everywhere, then where is Satan's kingdom? Scripture say's that the kingdom's of this world will become the kingdom's of the His Christ. How do these kingdoms exist if we believe that God's Government or rule is over all?

Jerry James said...

I believe that the Kingdom of God will be everywhere in the millennium, but right now it is limited to wherever believers allow Jesus to be Lord.
The kingdom of darkness is presently among us, but a day is coming when the kingdoms of this earth will come fully under the reign and rule of Jesus, ie the millennium.
I also believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is where God rules from. Hadn't ever really thought of it that way.

Anonymous said...

If we say there is limitations to God's kingdom then we open the door to countless limitations of His rule, power, grace, love, etc. The fact is, God allows these kingdoms (Satan's kingdom and man's kingdoms) to function within His kingdom. It is from this view that His sovereignty stays intact. God grants legal right to Satan to function within the boundaries of His Kingdom (see Job ch. 1). If true, then God must legally overthrow the kingdoms of this world. Hence, the Gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed through Jesus Christ. When our citizenship is transferred to the kingdom of Christ, we become the legal administrators of God's rule and authority. This is how the kingdom of heaven is advanced in the earth.