Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Transformed Mind

This . . .
After you have been sitting for two or three years or longer, running, jogging or walking two miles is a formidable task.
I don't know what that word means, but going two miles certainly feels formidable to me.
The first time wasn't that bad, my body hadn't realized what was going on yet.
Day two was horrible.
Today was much better.
Tomorrow? We'll see.
That . . .
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Easier said than done.
I have my face turned toward God, but I fear my mind has only been partially transformed by his word. A very small partially.
I have never been one to use foul language, but sometimes a curse word will just pop into my head. I hate when that happens.
Though it is my least desire, thoughts come around that I really pray would not.
Help me Holy Spirit to keep my mind on Jesus and what the Bible says.
This is That . . .
Faith is believing God's promises for now.
Hope is believing God's promises for the future.
Wisdom is knowing the difference and believing those things we cannot see.
Don't doze off.

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