Monday, January 05, 2009

You Want To Know This

This . . .
The 2008 Onething Conference gets better each year. By better I mean it's impact on the hearts of believers is more critically overwhelming and mind wrenching combined with relative wisdom and revelation that crunches your body, soul and spirit causing a rending of hearts that sets fire to the urgency of the days we are living in.
In other words . . . I can't quite express it.
That . . .
This years focus was the book of Revelation and the return of Jesus.
When God created the heavens and the earth,
that was a big deal.
When God made a covenant with Abraham,
that was a big deal.
When Moses delivered God's people out of Egypt,
that was a big deal.
When John the Baptist said, "Prepare the way",
that was a big deal.
When Jesus was born, when Jesus shed His blood for our sins, when Jesus was resurrected,
that was a big, big deal.
When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost,
that was a big deal.
When Jesus comes again to remove sin from the earth and rule and reign forever with his bride,
Oh, my goodness . . . I can't quite express it.
This is That . . .
You can watch the archives of the conference here.
Onething Conference
You Want To Know This Stuff!

1 comment:

JoAnna said...

I can't say it better. I love your descriptions! Thanks for putting up with the craziness of our group. :) Oh.. can I borrow your description for my blog??