Thursday, March 01, 2007

This . . .
Someone came by and took a picture of "the branch", but it didn't turn out very well so they only left $2.50 in the mailbox.
That . . .
I remember a thing David Letterman used to do on his show. It was something they called "Is it real?" They would show something totally whacko and then ask, "Is it real?" Dave and Paul would make their choices and then the answer would be revealed.
My game is a little different, I call it, "Whacko or Real?"
Wanna play?
Jesus is coming back soon . . . whacko or real?
Satan . . . whacko or real?
Millennium (1000 year reign of Christ) . . . whacko or real?
Demons . . . whacko or real?
Miracles . . . whacko or real?
Power of the Holy Spirit . . . whacko or real?
Prayer . . . whacko or real?
This is That . . .
Mark 9:24
“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

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