Wednesday, January 02, 2008

One Thing

This . . .
Just got back from One Thing, and my mom kept saying,
"One more thing . . ."
Change a light bulb; Take down the tree; Put this away; Get this down . . .
I just got thru running the vacuum and when she said, "One more thing . . ."
I said, "Tomorrow".
That . . .
I no doubt will have something to say about the One Thing Conference in the next few days, but I have added a "Backstage with Jason Upton", "The Countdown" video kind of documents what I was doing for a couple of days before the conference, and "The Prayer Room @ One Thing" gives you an idea of what was going on there. I also added a couple of links in the Good Stuff list.
This is That . . .
Pay special attention to Lou Engle and "The Call" in the Good Stuff links. I believe Lou Engle is hearing from the heart of God and is speaking it out with great authority. It would be good to listen to what he has to say. More to come.

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