Saturday, September 06, 2008

Fresh Kansas Air

This . . .
I remember going to a cattle auction with my grandpa Jay when I was about eight years old.
He told me I had to remain perfectly still because, "Around here, you can scratch your nose and buy a cow".
That . . .
My dad was always thinking of ways to make money by selling this, that or the other.
In the early 1960's smog and pollution were in the news, particularly in the big cities.
But we didn't have any clean air problems in Colby, Kansas.
So Dad figured that we in Western Kansas had something the big cities needed and wanted . . . a breath of fresh air.
He got a machine that could easily seal a top on a tin can, made a label that said Western Kansas Clean Air, and added instuctions to open quickly and breathe deep.
I really think it was a good novelty idea, but we didn't have the marketing to make it happen.
I still have an unopened can of 1960 Kansas Clean Air.
This is That . . .
I just heard someone say this on TV, "Palin is just a gimmick to rally together right wing Republican Christians, she has nothing to do with moderate, 'normal' Americans."
Just like "Viva Viagra", this makes me want to puke.
Sarah Palin is like a breath of "Fresh Kansas Air" to the whole political process.
It would be great to take a little of what she has, put it in a can, and market it to "Normal " Americans everywhere.

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