Saturday, June 12, 2010

Colby High School All Class Reunion

This . . .
Grandma mowed the grass today.
She did an excellant job, it looks great!
No, wait a minute. What was I thinking?
That was me that mowed.
That . . .
Somethin' wierd is going on in the WalMart parking lot.
The past couple of times I've been there,
someone has moved my car while I was inside.
I mean it's just not where I parked it,
so I have to wander around trying to look like
I'm not lost while pushing the button thing
to make the lights blink.
Whoever is doing this . . . it's not funny.
This is That . . .
My 40 year high school class reunion is this week
I've been waining nostalgic. Kind of fun . . .
no wait again - I hate it.
Makes my heart hurt.
I'll be heading for Colby, Kansas on Thursday.
It's been 40 years since I have seen most of my classmates.
YIKES. I hope everyone remembers to wear clothes.

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