Sunday, November 26, 2006

Elijah's Birthday

This . . .
My son Nathan and his wife Amy had a great birthday celebration for their son Elijah's first birthday this weekend. All of Nathan's immediate family (9) and Amy's (11) were on hand for lunch before the real party at 2:00. Nathan and Amy wanted Eli to open a special present while all of our families were there and before all the others arrived.
That . . .
The gift was just a t-shirt.
This is That . . .
The front of the t-shirt said , "Vote Eli, for best big brother".
The back said, "Available for office July 2007".
What a way to spring the good news to all 20 family members at one time!
Eli is no longer the best grandchild ever . . . He is just one of the best.
I love Nathan. I love Amy. And I love both of my grandchildren.
Two more kids of the Kingdom! I'm callin' em in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, you were right, comments are very easy to write. Great idea for a teeshirt by the way. Happy Birthday indeed. I am excited for the James and Abbot family and for Amy and Nathan too!
I am sorry to hear about your lawn mower. I have never riden on a riding lawn mower it must be quite different from a regular mower. I hate mowing lawns, but driving a mower around does sound appealling.
The only thing bad about writing comments must be no spell checker, and I am too lazy to open up another program that does check spelling. So, be prepared for me to mispell a few things.