Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What Is This?

Take a guess at what this is and how much it costs.
If you already know, don't say, just respond with I know.
If you own one . . . "Oh my freakin blue jeans!"
My sister Jeanette thought it might be something you drain your oil in.
At first, Brian was thinking it must have something to do with cranberrys, and then after several good sized hints, he guessed correctly.
Two hints. It is bigger than you think and costs more than you think as well.
So far, Elliott's guess is the closest. No one has offered a guess of cost.


Anonymous said...

That is a spring loaded bowl flipper doo dad thing. Uh, yea.

Anonymous said...

It is for distilling coffee.
Mmmmmm. Tasty.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea....
It makes gasoline?

Elliott James said...

I say it's a giant orange tub. The metal hose thingies are for bubbles.

Amy James said...

Okay, I'm soo stumped! Please reveal the answer!!!!