Saturday, September 23, 2006

This . . .
We have a new cat - Jasper. He showed up at our door begging for food. I told my mom, "If you want another cat, feed it. If not, don't". We have a new cat.
That . . .
Read a good quote by Yogi Bera on another blog.
"I never would have seen it if I hadn't believed it."
The word of God - read it, believe it, meditate on it, pray it, sing it, speak it . . . PROPHESY!
I believe God is calling us to a higher level. At the same time, sin on the earth is increasing and will continue to fullness. We live in a unique time. As the good gets better and the bad gets worse there will be less and less space in the middle. The whole thing of no visible difference between believers and unbelievers is going to change. I believe that this will be accomplished by the soveriegn plan of God, but also by the individual choices we make as He calls us to be a holy people. It is going to get more and more difficult to sit on the fence. Choose you this day who you will serve. This is no time for fooling around. If you are sliding downhill, dig your heels in and stop, repent and make a decision to take steps in the direction of holiness. God is very merciful, very kind and full of love. He loves us . . . even in our weakness.

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