Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This . . .
My neighbors hired a whole crew to manicure their lawn today. There were at least three men yielding mowers, weedeaters, bushtrimmers and blowers. Somewhere in the mix, "the branch" got carried off to twig heaven. I was really sad to see it go. I can't describe the way I strangely miss it . . . life is hard.
That . . . has no social redeeming value.
This is That . . .
What an enjoyable time I had this evening. Shared a meal with a friend and solved all of the world's problems.
Well maybe not "all" of the world's problems, but at least some of "our" problems.
Or maybe it was just "his problems". Wait a minute, he doesn't have any problems.
OK, maybe it was my problems, but I'm not sure that we solved anything.
For sure we talked about Jesus and considered many things about "The Kingdom" - past, present and future.
I came away encouraged, and ready to press in another day.
Friends are a good thing.

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