Saturday, December 16, 2006

This . . .
It's a Wonderful Life
That . . .
Is a "wonderful" movie.
This is That . . .
It has been a long time since I really watched this movie from start to finish.
It's important to watch the very beginning, because it begins with a medley of prayers for George Bailey, who is facing his dark night of the soul. George is known in heaven for his many good deeds and acts of kindness and so, in answer to prayer, an angel, "Clarence" is briefed and sent to help George in his time of need. George has his life all planned out and thinks he knows what is best, but needs to find out that God has a better plan. Clarence shows him this by showing what it would have been like if he had never been born.
On a couple of occasions, the narrative says, "He (George) wept and prayed" - Where did that come from? Anyway . . . this is a story of answered prayer; of good deeds done and a merciful God who knows how to reach down and save one that he loves. It is a story of not growing weary of doing good, and knowing that God is a great rewarder of those who love him and follow after his purposes.
Well I don't know why I am doing a book report on this movie . . . you know it as well as I do, I had just forgotten all the "good stuff" in it.
"God, let me live again." and "Atta boy Clarence!"
Now let's all cry and sing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" while Clarence gets his wings!
Oh my goodness - I'm a gonner.
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

McDreamy said...

i have actually never seen it. it's on my "must do" list.
i'm glad to see what's left of you is doing so well!
your blog is one of my all-time favorites (just don't tell anybody else, they might not like coming in second!)