This . . .
Between 15 and 25 years ago, my wife Gari and I were involved with the Methodist children's choirs and directed more than a few children's musicals. I played Psalty a couple of times. He was a big blue song book. Gari played Grace in Amazing Grace. Tarah played Charity Church Mouse in I can't think of the name of it, the boys were sheep, camels, mice, shepherds, etc., there was 365 Days of Christmas, Mary Had A Little Lamb, and some other ones I don't remember.
At the heart of each musical was the good news of the gospel. Our goal was always to impact each child with the love of Jesus.
We directed together. Gari was great at costumes and I was good at sound and lights.
Sound-wise, we wanted every child to have a speaking part, and a microphone in the hand of everyone who spoke. We used tape recorded accompaniment with "Gari choreographed" actions and dance.
Light-wise, we had this homemade light board with off/on switches and dimmers, a lot of extension cords, and rigged up lights with a multitude of colored flood lights in cans on tall poles.
That . . .
My son Taylor informed me this week that his church was having a Christmas program and that he was going to provide the lighting. He dug out the old homemade lightboard and started looking in boxes for all the old flood lights. He found them, and amazingly, after twenty years, ALL of the flood lights still worked.
This is That . . .
As time goes on, many things change,
but The Light is still shining brightly.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Stand Up For Jesus
This . . .
My mom says, "I think I'll get them some "theAter" tickets for Christmas"
I say, "TheAter tickets, or theater tickets?"
She says, "Tickets to the show".
That . . .
Sometimes it's hard for us to say what we really think, because we don't want to offend anyone.
Twenty years ago, I remember asking a Sunday School Class what they thought about abortion.
Almost to the person, their answer was, "I don't think it is right for me, but I don't think I should decide for someone else."
That is a safe answer.
Do you believe Jesus is the only way to God?
Do you believe in that speaking in tongues stuff?
Is a homosexual lifestyle sinful?
Do you believe a loving God would really send someone to hell?
Are muslims lost?
I could go on, but enough already.
Our answers might be one thing at church and another thing on the street.
This is That . . .
When all around, people are bowing down to Bale . . .
will I stand for Jesus?
My mom says, "I think I'll get them some "theAter" tickets for Christmas"
I say, "TheAter tickets, or theater tickets?"
She says, "Tickets to the show".
That . . .
Sometimes it's hard for us to say what we really think, because we don't want to offend anyone.
Twenty years ago, I remember asking a Sunday School Class what they thought about abortion.
Almost to the person, their answer was, "I don't think it is right for me, but I don't think I should decide for someone else."
That is a safe answer.
Do you believe Jesus is the only way to God?
Do you believe in that speaking in tongues stuff?
Is a homosexual lifestyle sinful?
Do you believe a loving God would really send someone to hell?
Are muslims lost?
I could go on, but enough already.
Our answers might be one thing at church and another thing on the street.
This is That . . .
When all around, people are bowing down to Bale . . .
will I stand for Jesus?
Thursday, December 04, 2008
This . . .
Thinking you know where you are going is quite different from knowing where you are going.
If you just think you know where you are going, but you really don't then when you try to get where you are going, you won't get there.
You'll be lost.
That . . .
I know a couple who were considering adoption on one evening and had twin girls 24 hours later.
My daughter Tarah and a mission team of twenty or so are in KC this evening.
Tomorrow evening, they will be in Hong Kong.
This is That . . .
Isaiah 61
Thinking you know where you are going is quite different from knowing where you are going.
If you just think you know where you are going, but you really don't then when you try to get where you are going, you won't get there.
You'll be lost.
That . . .
I know a couple who were considering adoption on one evening and had twin girls 24 hours later.
My daughter Tarah and a mission team of twenty or so are in KC this evening.
Tomorrow evening, they will be in Hong Kong.
This is That . . .
Isaiah 61
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A Transformed Mind
This . . .
After you have been sitting for two or three years or longer, running, jogging or walking two miles is a formidable task.
I don't know what that word means, but going two miles certainly feels formidable to me.
The first time wasn't that bad, my body hadn't realized what was going on yet.
Day two was horrible.
Today was much better.
Tomorrow? We'll see.
That . . .
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Easier said than done.
I have my face turned toward God, but I fear my mind has only been partially transformed by his word. A very small partially.
I have never been one to use foul language, but sometimes a curse word will just pop into my head. I hate when that happens.
Though it is my least desire, thoughts come around that I really pray would not.
Help me Holy Spirit to keep my mind on Jesus and what the Bible says.
This is That . . .
Faith is believing God's promises for now.
Hope is believing God's promises for the future.
Wisdom is knowing the difference and believing those things we cannot see.
Don't doze off.
After you have been sitting for two or three years or longer, running, jogging or walking two miles is a formidable task.
I don't know what that word means, but going two miles certainly feels formidable to me.
The first time wasn't that bad, my body hadn't realized what was going on yet.
Day two was horrible.
Today was much better.
Tomorrow? We'll see.
That . . .
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Easier said than done.
I have my face turned toward God, but I fear my mind has only been partially transformed by his word. A very small partially.
I have never been one to use foul language, but sometimes a curse word will just pop into my head. I hate when that happens.
Though it is my least desire, thoughts come around that I really pray would not.
Help me Holy Spirit to keep my mind on Jesus and what the Bible says.
This is That . . .
Faith is believing God's promises for now.
Hope is believing God's promises for the future.
Wisdom is knowing the difference and believing those things we cannot see.
Don't doze off.
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Book Of Revelation
This . . .
I ran two miles in 33 minutes tonight.
OK, I didn't run . . . I jogged.
OK, I didn't jog . . . I walked mostly and limped a little faster some.
In 1970, with two good knees, 80 lbs. lighter and 38 years younger, I ran two miles in 9:20.
I'm only 23 minutes and 40 seconds from doing it again.
That . . .
The book of Revelation is Jesus' battleplan to drive evil off of the earth.
It is a prayer manual for the end time church.
Jesus is giving this information to the church, so that we can know what is coming
and join with Him thru prayer to declare it and bring it forth
just like Moses declared the plagues in God's plan to set His people free.
Revelation is the script Jesus will work from
together with the Church to confront and remove evil from the earth.
We must know and understand the script.
This is That . . .
The book of Revelation has four main sections.
1. (Rev. 1) The calling of John to prophecy about the end times.
2. (Rev. 2-3) Seven letters to the seven churches, highlighting the issues that face the church.
3. (Rev. 4-5) Jesus takes the scroll and accepts responsibility to execute the action plan to drive evil from the earth
4. (Rev. 6 thru 22) The end of the age battle plan of action.
The end of the age battle plan has five chronological sections along with angelic explanations.
1. The opening and release of the seals.
Angelic Explanation: The angel tells John that protection will be given to the church during the release of the seals, both from judgement and from compromise.
2. The release of the trumpet judements (more intense than the seals, ie increasing)
Angelic Exlanation: The angel pulls John aside and tell him, don't worry, you will receive prophetic direction during this time. You won't be confused and you won't be deceived.
3. The second coming of Christ and the announcement that all the leaders of the nations are going to be replaced.
Angelic Explanation: The anti-christ and the powers of darkness have been confronting Jesus, his plans and his people and the time has come to remove this evil from the earth.
4. The release of the bowls of wrath which are even more intense than the seals and the trumpets. The bowls of wrath "dash the nations".
John asks, why so severe?
Angelic Explanation: Because the seduction of the harlot religion has infiltrated every level of society and so everything that has been built on iniquity has to be brought down - dashed.
5. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He is received by the Jewish nation, He sits on his throne of glory and is King of Kings.
Angelic Explanation: The restoration of the Garden of Eden is coming back to earth. Heaven is coming to earth and all the promises of God will be fully released.
I ran two miles in 33 minutes tonight.
OK, I didn't run . . . I jogged.
OK, I didn't jog . . . I walked mostly and limped a little faster some.
In 1970, with two good knees, 80 lbs. lighter and 38 years younger, I ran two miles in 9:20.
I'm only 23 minutes and 40 seconds from doing it again.
That . . .
The book of Revelation is Jesus' battleplan to drive evil off of the earth.
It is a prayer manual for the end time church.
Jesus is giving this information to the church, so that we can know what is coming
and join with Him thru prayer to declare it and bring it forth
just like Moses declared the plagues in God's plan to set His people free.
Revelation is the script Jesus will work from
together with the Church to confront and remove evil from the earth.
We must know and understand the script.
This is That . . .
The book of Revelation has four main sections.
1. (Rev. 1) The calling of John to prophecy about the end times.
2. (Rev. 2-3) Seven letters to the seven churches, highlighting the issues that face the church.
3. (Rev. 4-5) Jesus takes the scroll and accepts responsibility to execute the action plan to drive evil from the earth
4. (Rev. 6 thru 22) The end of the age battle plan of action.
The end of the age battle plan has five chronological sections along with angelic explanations.
1. The opening and release of the seals.
Angelic Explanation: The angel tells John that protection will be given to the church during the release of the seals, both from judgement and from compromise.
2. The release of the trumpet judements (more intense than the seals, ie increasing)
Angelic Exlanation: The angel pulls John aside and tell him, don't worry, you will receive prophetic direction during this time. You won't be confused and you won't be deceived.
3. The second coming of Christ and the announcement that all the leaders of the nations are going to be replaced.
Angelic Explanation: The anti-christ and the powers of darkness have been confronting Jesus, his plans and his people and the time has come to remove this evil from the earth.
4. The release of the bowls of wrath which are even more intense than the seals and the trumpets. The bowls of wrath "dash the nations".
John asks, why so severe?
Angelic Explanation: Because the seduction of the harlot religion has infiltrated every level of society and so everything that has been built on iniquity has to be brought down - dashed.
5. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He is received by the Jewish nation, He sits on his throne of glory and is King of Kings.
Angelic Explanation: The restoration of the Garden of Eden is coming back to earth. Heaven is coming to earth and all the promises of God will be fully released.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Misty is leading worship again
This . . .
Anyone tune in to the Encountering God Service last night?
So good.
Quick teaching on overview of Revelation and a quiz.
Mike's message, "Obedience fueled by love".
That . . .
Misty Edwards is beginning to lead worship again.
Her Friday 2:00 p.m. devotional set is well worth joining in.
This is That . . .
Focus of One Thing New Years Conference will be the book of Revelation.
No break out sessions - Mike will do an abundance of teaching.
Also, tonights EGS service will be the first of eight recorded messages for God TV.
They asked him to lay out his end times beliefs with no holds barred.
I am diving in - come on and get wet.
Friday and Saturday EGS services are free.
Three Sunday services are free.
$20 a month gets 24-hour prayer room and archived services.
Tune in and watch last 24 "two hour worship sets" whenever you want.
Watch week-end services any time the week after.
Still listening to Misty - WOW! Great worship and devotional prayer!
Anyone tune in to the Encountering God Service last night?
So good.
Quick teaching on overview of Revelation and a quiz.
Mike's message, "Obedience fueled by love".
That . . .
Misty Edwards is beginning to lead worship again.
Her Friday 2:00 p.m. devotional set is well worth joining in.
This is That . . .
Focus of One Thing New Years Conference will be the book of Revelation.
No break out sessions - Mike will do an abundance of teaching.
Also, tonights EGS service will be the first of eight recorded messages for God TV.
They asked him to lay out his end times beliefs with no holds barred.
I am diving in - come on and get wet.
Friday and Saturday EGS services are free.
Three Sunday services are free.
$20 a month gets 24-hour prayer room and archived services.
Tune in and watch last 24 "two hour worship sets" whenever you want.
Watch week-end services any time the week after.
Still listening to Misty - WOW! Great worship and devotional prayer!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wake Up!
This . . .
It's not all about the "hokey pokey" - that's for sure.
That . . .
End times.
The world is not coming to an end. Ever.
However, I believe the end of this age is fast approaching.
Two or three decades? Maybe sooner. Maybe longer.
When Jesus returns, you can believe things will be different.
There is a voice crying out, "Prepare the way of the Lord".
Most are not listening.
Most of "The Church" is unaware of the things to come.
A great falling away for instance.
Of course the world is completely clueless.
I am not sure of who all reads this blog, but whoever you are . . .
This is That . . .
Mike Bickle is the leader of the International House Of Prayer.
He has spent his life fasting before the Lord,
meditating on the word of God and praying the word of God.
His focus has been two fold.
The bridal paradigm (Jesus loves us),
and escatology (Jesus is coming again).
He is a GREAT teacher, communicator and encourager.
The wisdom and revelation of many at IHOP who have been involved in 24/7 praise, worship, and intercession for over eight years without ceasing, is available to YOU.
Don't sit back and not take advantage of the opportunity to KNOW.
Mike teaches every Friday night on "The Bridal Paradigm".
He teaches every Saturday night on "The End Times".
Three services on Sunday.
The prayer room is available on-line 24 hours a day.
All archived.
All available to watch live or view and listen the week after.
Notes galore with an abundance of Bible references.
Don't believe anything you don't see in the Bible.
Study it yourself. Know it yourself.
The websites are linked to this blog. Ask me, and I will help.
Can I say it any plainer? And I am saying it to myself . . .
It's not all about the "hokey pokey" - that's for sure.
That . . .
End times.
The world is not coming to an end. Ever.
However, I believe the end of this age is fast approaching.
Two or three decades? Maybe sooner. Maybe longer.
When Jesus returns, you can believe things will be different.
There is a voice crying out, "Prepare the way of the Lord".
Most are not listening.
Most of "The Church" is unaware of the things to come.
A great falling away for instance.
Of course the world is completely clueless.
I am not sure of who all reads this blog, but whoever you are . . .
This is That . . .
Mike Bickle is the leader of the International House Of Prayer.
He has spent his life fasting before the Lord,
meditating on the word of God and praying the word of God.
His focus has been two fold.
The bridal paradigm (Jesus loves us),
and escatology (Jesus is coming again).
He is a GREAT teacher, communicator and encourager.
The wisdom and revelation of many at IHOP who have been involved in 24/7 praise, worship, and intercession for over eight years without ceasing, is available to YOU.
Don't sit back and not take advantage of the opportunity to KNOW.
Mike teaches every Friday night on "The Bridal Paradigm".
He teaches every Saturday night on "The End Times".
Three services on Sunday.
The prayer room is available on-line 24 hours a day.
All archived.
All available to watch live or view and listen the week after.
Notes galore with an abundance of Bible references.
Don't believe anything you don't see in the Bible.
Study it yourself. Know it yourself.
The websites are linked to this blog. Ask me, and I will help.
Can I say it any plainer? And I am saying it to myself . . .
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Preaching The Gospel In Myanmar
This . . .
Super Glue.
Remember the ad on TV where the strongman has a chain around him which is connected to a semi-truck with Super Glue? Then the strongman slowly tugs on the chain til the semi starts to move.
That's some incredible glue!
My mom's fish tank has a small ceramic sign that says "No Fishing". She dropped it and it broke in half. I thought, no problem I'll super glue it. And so I did, and it seemed as strong as new.
I put it back in the tank and it did fine til a Neon fish about 3/4 of an inch long ran into it and snapped it back in two.
I should say as well that my index finger is still glued to the top half of the sign.
That . . .
The country of Myanmar has a population of 55,390,000
They were hit by a cyclone in May of this year.
The cyclone left 130,000 dead and two million homeless.
Myanmar is 89% Buddhist and generally not open to the gospel
The government has invited a group from the International House Of Prayer to come share the gospel. THAT IS A MIRACLE.
My daughter Tarah needs $3,000 by the end of November. That will be a miracle too.
For a full look of what has happened thru Daniel and Levi Lim and IHOP concerning Myanmar go to
Daniel and Levi Lim are also prayer missionaries at IHOP.
Be sure to check out Baby Emmanuel!
That is That . . .
Tarah is going to Myanmar Dec. 7 thru Dec. 22 with seventeen other missionaries from the International House Of Prayer to preach the gospel!
It is an amazing story how God has opened up this opportunity in a country generally closed and hostile toward the gospel.
"They (The Myanmar Government) are inviting us to the northern mountain area of Myanmar, an area not previously open to outsiders. The government wants to be our escort and protection as we hold open air meetings and preach Jesus, who is Immanuel, God with us!"
That is amazing! The government knows they are coming and are in support. WOW!
Tarah needs your prayers and financial support.
To find out more, please e-mail her at or me at
I am an intercessory missionary giving myself in the midst of my weakness to prayer, study of the word, discipling, serving, etc. in order that I might be an authentic and powerful witness to the Lord Jesus.
There is a crack in the door of the nation of Myanmar - an answer to prayer. Please pray with me that the Lord would fling it wide open. I believe it is his intention to do so.
Super Glue.
Remember the ad on TV where the strongman has a chain around him which is connected to a semi-truck with Super Glue? Then the strongman slowly tugs on the chain til the semi starts to move.
That's some incredible glue!
My mom's fish tank has a small ceramic sign that says "No Fishing". She dropped it and it broke in half. I thought, no problem I'll super glue it. And so I did, and it seemed as strong as new.
I put it back in the tank and it did fine til a Neon fish about 3/4 of an inch long ran into it and snapped it back in two.
I should say as well that my index finger is still glued to the top half of the sign.
That . . .
The country of Myanmar has a population of 55,390,000
They were hit by a cyclone in May of this year.
The cyclone left 130,000 dead and two million homeless.
Myanmar is 89% Buddhist and generally not open to the gospel
The government has invited a group from the International House Of Prayer to come share the gospel. THAT IS A MIRACLE.
My daughter Tarah needs $3,000 by the end of November. That will be a miracle too.
For a full look of what has happened thru Daniel and Levi Lim and IHOP concerning Myanmar go to
Daniel and Levi Lim are also prayer missionaries at IHOP.
Be sure to check out Baby Emmanuel!
That is That . . .
Tarah is going to Myanmar Dec. 7 thru Dec. 22 with seventeen other missionaries from the International House Of Prayer to preach the gospel!
It is an amazing story how God has opened up this opportunity in a country generally closed and hostile toward the gospel.
"They (The Myanmar Government) are inviting us to the northern mountain area of Myanmar, an area not previously open to outsiders. The government wants to be our escort and protection as we hold open air meetings and preach Jesus, who is Immanuel, God with us!"
That is amazing! The government knows they are coming and are in support. WOW!
Tarah needs your prayers and financial support.
To find out more, please e-mail her at or me at
I am an intercessory missionary giving myself in the midst of my weakness to prayer, study of the word, discipling, serving, etc. in order that I might be an authentic and powerful witness to the Lord Jesus.
There is a crack in the door of the nation of Myanmar - an answer to prayer. Please pray with me that the Lord would fling it wide open. I believe it is his intention to do so.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Oh, NO!???
This . . .
The Bible says that the Lord our God is one,
but I think he's much older.
I saw this ad in the classifieds.
For Sale: Full capacity toilet.
That . . .
The following conversation never took place.
Jesus, "Father, I just heard that Obama was accidentally elected president!"
Holy Spirit (listening in), "Oh no! How could that have possibly happened . . . what are we going to do now?"
God, "I don't have a clue. I was hoping one of you had some kind of plan."
This is That . . .
The republicans have a plan - Form a circle and have a firing squad.
God has a plan too. His is much better.
I intend to trust God, agree with His plan without offense, and pray for our leaders.
The Bible says that the Lord our God is one,
but I think he's much older.
I saw this ad in the classifieds.
For Sale: Full capacity toilet.
That . . .
The following conversation never took place.
Jesus, "Father, I just heard that Obama was accidentally elected president!"
Holy Spirit (listening in), "Oh no! How could that have possibly happened . . . what are we going to do now?"
God, "I don't have a clue. I was hoping one of you had some kind of plan."
This is That . . .
The republicans have a plan - Form a circle and have a firing squad.
God has a plan too. His is much better.
I intend to trust God, agree with His plan without offense, and pray for our leaders.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Day
Pray for all those who will vote today . . .
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
Saturday, November 01, 2008
The Call California
I waited on the Lord and he heard my cries and answered me.
He lifted me up out of a horrible pit, out of the mire and clay,
and set my feet high on a rock.
He established my ways and put a new song in my heart.
Many shall see it and be saved.
He lifted me up out of a horrible pit, out of the mire and clay,
and set my feet high on a rock.
He established my ways and put a new song in my heart.
Many shall see it and be saved.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Things Are Not Looking Good
This . . .
Things are not looking good for the United States.
Even though "In God We Trust" is printed on our money,
I am no longer sure it is true.
Democracy has served us well over the years because we have trusted in God and the majority have stood with God concerning most issues of morality.
I fear the majority is shifting.
Our country has embraced abortion - killing babies in their mothers womb and calling it a right of the mother. That is so twisted.
Baby boys were killed in the Old Testament, but Moses survived to deliver God's people out of Egypt.
Baby boys were killed after the birth of Yashua, but Jesus has survived to deliver those who believe, from sin and death.
A generation of babies is being killed even now, but a mighty army of prayer warriors (mostly young people) is being raised up.
Our nation is embracing homosexuality.
This is an abomination (a bomb a nation) to God.
Marriages between men and men / women and women are being condoned.
This is not good, and don't think that we can fool "Mother Nature".
It's not nice, and God will not be mocked.
A vast number of citizens including Christians have embraced pornography. Many watch TV and movies that support all manner of immorality and know not what they are doing - as in the days of Noah.
WAKE UP! Stop It!
Naked men and women are but a click away, and many, many are clicking away.
God is shaking his head. He is slow to anger, but a time is coming.
Persecution of Christians in the USA and the world is rolling forward.
The outrage against Sara Palin is mostly about her belief in Jesus.
Unbelievers are no longer satisfied to be silent.
There is a growing RAGE against Christians.
It is a rage perpatrated by Satin himself.
We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities.
That . . .
Blow the trumpet in Zion.
Sound the alarm.
Turn to the Lord.
Fast and Pray.
Seek Him with all your heart.
Love the Lord your God.
This is That . . .
Judgement is coming.
This . . .
Things are not looking good for the United States.
Even though "In God We Trust" is printed on our money,
I am no longer sure it is true.
Democracy has served us well over the years because we have trusted in God and the majority have stood with God concerning most issues of morality.
I fear the majority is shifting.
Our country has embraced abortion - killing babies in their mothers womb and calling it a right of the mother. That is so twisted.
Baby boys were killed in the Old Testament, but Moses survived to deliver God's people out of Egypt.
Baby boys were killed after the birth of Yashua, but Jesus has survived to deliver those who believe, from sin and death.
A generation of babies is being killed even now, but a mighty army of prayer warriors (mostly young people) is being raised up.
Our nation is embracing homosexuality.
This is an abomination (a bomb a nation) to God.
Marriages between men and men / women and women are being condoned.
This is not good, and don't think that we can fool "Mother Nature".
It's not nice, and God will not be mocked.
A vast number of citizens including Christians have embraced pornography. Many watch TV and movies that support all manner of immorality and know not what they are doing - as in the days of Noah.
WAKE UP! Stop It!
Naked men and women are but a click away, and many, many are clicking away.
God is shaking his head. He is slow to anger, but a time is coming.
Persecution of Christians in the USA and the world is rolling forward.
The outrage against Sara Palin is mostly about her belief in Jesus.
Unbelievers are no longer satisfied to be silent.
There is a growing RAGE against Christians.
It is a rage perpatrated by Satin himself.
We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities.
That . . .
Blow the trumpet in Zion.
Sound the alarm.
Turn to the Lord.
Fast and Pray.
Seek Him with all your heart.
Love the Lord your God.
This is That . . .
Judgement is coming.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Super Sara
This . . .
My son Nathan was home this weekend for his ten year class reunion, along with Amy, Eli, and Lucy. The activity around the house increased a notch or two for sure. Grandma was busy cooking this and that, and the rest of us were busy eating this and that, and keeping up with Lucy and Eli.
At one point my mom said, "Lucy is faster than I am!"
Everyone else knew that already.
Eli and Lucy were forever trying to catch up with our cats,
Putcat and Jasper.
In frustration Eli proclaimed, "The kitty is NOT in my hands!"
Eli sleeps in my room on the floor. He woke up at about 7:00 Sunday morning and just sat and looked at me til he woke me up with his gaze. I opened my eyes and he said, "Are you awake Grandpa?"
Lucy doesn't snuggle very well when she is going to sleep, but when she first wakes up, the snuggle is on!"
Fun week-end.
That . . .
I thought Sara Palin's appearance on SNL was a bad idea. Kind of like hangin' with the enemy.
I think I could have improved the skit quite a bit, here's how . . .
This is That . . .
It was all good up to the point where everyone was singing and dancing with Sara sitting and dancing off to the side. At that point, Sara should have secretly signaled for Tina Fey to come sit in for her unknown to the others. Then Sara would slip in to a phone booth and come out as Super Sara. With a side kick to the head, she would take out that stupid singing girl, and then deck the others with consecutive blows. Alec Baldwin would make an attempt to save the day, but he would slip on a moose hide and tumble into a hockey ring where he would be pelted by hockey moms. This would leave Tina Fey quitely doing her Palin dance routine at the desk, and Sara would walk up behind her with this big cream pie and place it firmly in her face. Then the camera would cut away to a shot of Sara, her husband and all their kids laughing hysterically because . . .
that's funny.
My son Nathan was home this weekend for his ten year class reunion, along with Amy, Eli, and Lucy. The activity around the house increased a notch or two for sure. Grandma was busy cooking this and that, and the rest of us were busy eating this and that, and keeping up with Lucy and Eli.
At one point my mom said, "Lucy is faster than I am!"
Everyone else knew that already.
Eli and Lucy were forever trying to catch up with our cats,
Putcat and Jasper.
In frustration Eli proclaimed, "The kitty is NOT in my hands!"
Eli sleeps in my room on the floor. He woke up at about 7:00 Sunday morning and just sat and looked at me til he woke me up with his gaze. I opened my eyes and he said, "Are you awake Grandpa?"
Lucy doesn't snuggle very well when she is going to sleep, but when she first wakes up, the snuggle is on!"
Fun week-end.
That . . .
I thought Sara Palin's appearance on SNL was a bad idea. Kind of like hangin' with the enemy.
I think I could have improved the skit quite a bit, here's how . . .
This is That . . .
It was all good up to the point where everyone was singing and dancing with Sara sitting and dancing off to the side. At that point, Sara should have secretly signaled for Tina Fey to come sit in for her unknown to the others. Then Sara would slip in to a phone booth and come out as Super Sara. With a side kick to the head, she would take out that stupid singing girl, and then deck the others with consecutive blows. Alec Baldwin would make an attempt to save the day, but he would slip on a moose hide and tumble into a hockey ring where he would be pelted by hockey moms. This would leave Tina Fey quitely doing her Palin dance routine at the desk, and Sara would walk up behind her with this big cream pie and place it firmly in her face. Then the camera would cut away to a shot of Sara, her husband and all their kids laughing hysterically because . . .
that's funny.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Extreme Makeover - Earth Edition
This . . .
I watched a little bit of "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" tonight.
Warm and fuzzy on a scale of 10? Off the chart.
From the single mom to the four boys to grandma and grandpa,
their response was all, "Oh, my God!"
I hope that was a true expression of praise.
That . . .
On one hand, it is easy to think, "Wow, I wish that could happen to me!"
Same thing with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the lottery, etc.
On the other hand . . . I wonder?
This is That . . .
Extreme Makeover - Earth Edition
Somewhat unknown, but better known as "The Millennium".
Jesus is coming to earth to oversee a 1000 year extreme makeover that will result in a return to a "Garden of Eden" where God the Father will come and again, walk among us.
Oh, my God . . . how do you even think of this stuff?
You really must be God - there is no one like you!
Bill Maher told David Pryor that he wasn't comfortable with anyone who believes in talking snakes ie Christians.
Just for the record, I believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, ax heads that float, coins in the mouth of a fish, men walking on water, seas that part, rivers that are rolled back, dead people who live again, water turned to wine, battles won by blowing shofars, a baby born of a virgin, blind people seeing, the lame walking, and casting our nets one more time on the other side.
Just to name a few.
I watched a little bit of "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" tonight.
Warm and fuzzy on a scale of 10? Off the chart.
From the single mom to the four boys to grandma and grandpa,
their response was all, "Oh, my God!"
I hope that was a true expression of praise.
That . . .
On one hand, it is easy to think, "Wow, I wish that could happen to me!"
Same thing with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the lottery, etc.
On the other hand . . . I wonder?
This is That . . .
Extreme Makeover - Earth Edition
Somewhat unknown, but better known as "The Millennium".
Jesus is coming to earth to oversee a 1000 year extreme makeover that will result in a return to a "Garden of Eden" where God the Father will come and again, walk among us.
Oh, my God . . . how do you even think of this stuff?
You really must be God - there is no one like you!
Bill Maher told David Pryor that he wasn't comfortable with anyone who believes in talking snakes ie Christians.
Just for the record, I believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, ax heads that float, coins in the mouth of a fish, men walking on water, seas that part, rivers that are rolled back, dead people who live again, water turned to wine, battles won by blowing shofars, a baby born of a virgin, blind people seeing, the lame walking, and casting our nets one more time on the other side.
Just to name a few.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
This . . .
I am not in favor of this $700 billion bail out.
That . . .
I admit that I don't really understand what all is involved, but $700 billion dollars is a lot of money and I hate the thought of the government being in charge of how to spend it.
This is That . . .
Here is my idea.
Just wipe the slate clean. All debt would be cancelled, every mortgage marked paid.
This would help all the lenders with "bad paper" because they wouldn't have to worry about collecting all that bad debt.
I would vote for the guy or gal who could get that one done.
I am not in favor of this $700 billion bail out.
That . . .
I admit that I don't really understand what all is involved, but $700 billion dollars is a lot of money and I hate the thought of the government being in charge of how to spend it.
This is That . . .
Here is my idea.
Just wipe the slate clean. All debt would be cancelled, every mortgage marked paid.
This would help all the lenders with "bad paper" because they wouldn't have to worry about collecting all that bad debt.
I would vote for the guy or gal who could get that one done.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
God is good.
This . . .
There are some really amazing actors and actresses in Hollywood. They often times take on rolls of very good, moral, decent human beings and make them totally believable.
Obviously very good acting.
That . . .
It is standard to turn something clockwise to tighten and counter-clockwise to loosen.
So why is it that the tie on a loaf of bread is just the opposite?
I think this is done to confuse children and old men. *
This is That . . .
I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I accepted Christ when I was about five years old with my mother sitting on the edge of my bed in Colby, Kansas. She told me the stories of the Bible and prayed with me; and with a childlike faith I just believed and have kept on believing.
There was a time after high school that I found myself living a life less than pleasing to the Lord.
I never left Him and He for sure never left me, but I was living a life of compromise. I looked around and realized that none of my friends were Christians. I wanted to change, but I didn't know how to get from where I was to where I needed to be.
I remember praying one night for God to make a way and rescue me. I prayed not really believing that He would, but God was listening.
Six months later, I found myself married, living in Lake Village, Arkansas, leading a group of Methodist youth, and surrounded by Christian people. I didn't hardly know anyone who was not a believer in Jesus.
God is in the process of answering that prayer again for a friend of mine.
I can only say, "God you are good." And my desire is to Praise You..
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Let all that is within me bless your Holy name. For you have done great things. You forgive all my sins and heal all of my diseases.
My desire is to love you rightly and give you great praise.
I sat down next to one of seven sisters at a Benny Hinn conference about six years ago.
I was facing divorce. I was hurting and confused, but clinging to Jesus. I desperately needed to hear from God. Before driving to Birmingham, my son Taylor had given me a little note book to encourage me to journal.
Here is what I wrote concerning a word from the Lord given to me by the sweet, young Christian I found myself sitting by.
Then she said to me . . .
"God showed me a dishrag that was being rung out.
The dishrag is you.
What the devil has meant for bad, God is using for good.
God is re-arranging your furniture.
Your furniture is your life, your home, your family.
He is putting your house in order.
When you re-decorate, things always get more chaotic before they get better.
The end result will be a beautiful arrangement.
This re-arrangement is for you and your family.
Trust God and He will arrange you into His perfect will."
I wanted to hear from God, and he set me down next to a prophet.
God is good.
(* Old women don't even notice.)
There are some really amazing actors and actresses in Hollywood. They often times take on rolls of very good, moral, decent human beings and make them totally believable.
Obviously very good acting.
That . . .
It is standard to turn something clockwise to tighten and counter-clockwise to loosen.
So why is it that the tie on a loaf of bread is just the opposite?
I think this is done to confuse children and old men. *
This is That . . .
I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I accepted Christ when I was about five years old with my mother sitting on the edge of my bed in Colby, Kansas. She told me the stories of the Bible and prayed with me; and with a childlike faith I just believed and have kept on believing.
There was a time after high school that I found myself living a life less than pleasing to the Lord.
I never left Him and He for sure never left me, but I was living a life of compromise. I looked around and realized that none of my friends were Christians. I wanted to change, but I didn't know how to get from where I was to where I needed to be.
I remember praying one night for God to make a way and rescue me. I prayed not really believing that He would, but God was listening.
Six months later, I found myself married, living in Lake Village, Arkansas, leading a group of Methodist youth, and surrounded by Christian people. I didn't hardly know anyone who was not a believer in Jesus.
God is in the process of answering that prayer again for a friend of mine.
I can only say, "God you are good." And my desire is to Praise You..
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Let all that is within me bless your Holy name. For you have done great things. You forgive all my sins and heal all of my diseases.
My desire is to love you rightly and give you great praise.
I sat down next to one of seven sisters at a Benny Hinn conference about six years ago.
I was facing divorce. I was hurting and confused, but clinging to Jesus. I desperately needed to hear from God. Before driving to Birmingham, my son Taylor had given me a little note book to encourage me to journal.
Here is what I wrote concerning a word from the Lord given to me by the sweet, young Christian I found myself sitting by.
Then she said to me . . .
"God showed me a dishrag that was being rung out.
The dishrag is you.
What the devil has meant for bad, God is using for good.
God is re-arranging your furniture.
Your furniture is your life, your home, your family.
He is putting your house in order.
When you re-decorate, things always get more chaotic before they get better.
The end result will be a beautiful arrangement.
This re-arrangement is for you and your family.
Trust God and He will arrange you into His perfect will."
I wanted to hear from God, and he set me down next to a prophet.
God is good.
(* Old women don't even notice.)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Persecution of Believers
This . . .
I am going to ramble, and hopefully something will make sense.
It's all about Jesus and his leadership of individuals, this country and the world.
He knows where we are going and how to get us there.
He is sovereign.
John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
Jesus was in the beginning. It was all about Him then, it is all about Him now, and it will be all about Him forever.
He is GOD and He is GOOD.
He has huge plans for his sons and daughters and this place called earth and we are only at the beginning of the beginning.
Things are going to get worse and worse, and then really, really GOOD when Jesus is King.
Trouble is coming.
A great pouring out of the power of God is coming.
God is going to shake everything that can be shaken because of His great love for us.
The purpose of the shaking will be to draw us together and to bring us to the deepest level of love for the God of our salvation.
This is no time to hold back and wait til another day.
Wholeheartedness is required.
Come on!
That . . .
Stinkin' thinkin' quote of the day.
"I don't think the US is ready for a vice-president who speaks in tongues, believes Jesus is coming back, the rapture, and all that other Bible stuff".
I don't think we are ready either.
Lukewarm Christianity is going to get harder and harder .
Believers everywhere are going to be forced off of the fence on one side or the other. and that would be me.
When CNN puts a microphone to your mouth and says, "Do you really believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved?" what will you say.
This is That . . .
Christianity is being persecuted in the United States. We are no longer one nation under God.
The time to stand up against powers and principalities by using the weapons of our warfare is now.
It is time for believers everywhere to take hands in unity and pray.
That is not just a cute, warm fuzzy, that is reality.
Ephesians 6: 10-20
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
I am going to ramble, and hopefully something will make sense.
It's all about Jesus and his leadership of individuals, this country and the world.
He knows where we are going and how to get us there.
He is sovereign.
John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
Jesus was in the beginning. It was all about Him then, it is all about Him now, and it will be all about Him forever.
He is GOD and He is GOOD.
He has huge plans for his sons and daughters and this place called earth and we are only at the beginning of the beginning.
Things are going to get worse and worse, and then really, really GOOD when Jesus is King.
Trouble is coming.
A great pouring out of the power of God is coming.
God is going to shake everything that can be shaken because of His great love for us.
The purpose of the shaking will be to draw us together and to bring us to the deepest level of love for the God of our salvation.
This is no time to hold back and wait til another day.
Wholeheartedness is required.
Come on!
That . . .
Stinkin' thinkin' quote of the day.
"I don't think the US is ready for a vice-president who speaks in tongues, believes Jesus is coming back, the rapture, and all that other Bible stuff".
I don't think we are ready either.
Lukewarm Christianity is going to get harder and harder .
Believers everywhere are going to be forced off of the fence on one side or the other. and that would be me.
When CNN puts a microphone to your mouth and says, "Do you really believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved?" what will you say.
This is That . . .
Christianity is being persecuted in the United States. We are no longer one nation under God.
The time to stand up against powers and principalities by using the weapons of our warfare is now.
It is time for believers everywhere to take hands in unity and pray.
That is not just a cute, warm fuzzy, that is reality.
Ephesians 6: 10-20
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Fresh Kansas Air
This . . .
I remember going to a cattle auction with my grandpa Jay when I was about eight years old.
He told me I had to remain perfectly still because, "Around here, you can scratch your nose and buy a cow".
That . . .
My dad was always thinking of ways to make money by selling this, that or the other.
In the early 1960's smog and pollution were in the news, particularly in the big cities.
But we didn't have any clean air problems in Colby, Kansas.
So Dad figured that we in Western Kansas had something the big cities needed and wanted . . . a breath of fresh air.
He got a machine that could easily seal a top on a tin can, made a label that said Western Kansas Clean Air, and added instuctions to open quickly and breathe deep.
I really think it was a good novelty idea, but we didn't have the marketing to make it happen.
I still have an unopened can of 1960 Kansas Clean Air.
This is That . . .
I just heard someone say this on TV, "Palin is just a gimmick to rally together right wing Republican Christians, she has nothing to do with moderate, 'normal' Americans."
Just like "Viva Viagra", this makes me want to puke.
Sarah Palin is like a breath of "Fresh Kansas Air" to the whole political process.
It would be great to take a little of what she has, put it in a can, and market it to "Normal " Americans everywhere.
I remember going to a cattle auction with my grandpa Jay when I was about eight years old.
He told me I had to remain perfectly still because, "Around here, you can scratch your nose and buy a cow".
That . . .
My dad was always thinking of ways to make money by selling this, that or the other.
In the early 1960's smog and pollution were in the news, particularly in the big cities.
But we didn't have any clean air problems in Colby, Kansas.
So Dad figured that we in Western Kansas had something the big cities needed and wanted . . . a breath of fresh air.
He got a machine that could easily seal a top on a tin can, made a label that said Western Kansas Clean Air, and added instuctions to open quickly and breathe deep.
I really think it was a good novelty idea, but we didn't have the marketing to make it happen.
I still have an unopened can of 1960 Kansas Clean Air.
This is That . . .
I just heard someone say this on TV, "Palin is just a gimmick to rally together right wing Republican Christians, she has nothing to do with moderate, 'normal' Americans."
Just like "Viva Viagra", this makes me want to puke.
Sarah Palin is like a breath of "Fresh Kansas Air" to the whole political process.
It would be great to take a little of what she has, put it in a can, and market it to "Normal " Americans everywhere.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I Believe It Was God
This . . .
I saw a leaf fall today. It was only one, but it did fall.
That . . .
Taylor and Lee Ann had a great crop of tomatoes this summer.
I think they ate both of them for supper tonight.
This is That . . .
Matthew 6:3-4
3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
I wonder if God practices what he preaches?
I don't mean anything (Ican't think of the word) by saying that, I'm just thinking . . .
It seems that most of what God does in this age, he does in secret.
I forever want Him to do something great then shout out,
"That was me!"
But usually it comes out more as a question, "Was that you God?"
Then I answer myself, "Yes, I think it was".
I had something like that happen today. Some things came together that had that "in God's perfect timing" feel about it. I wasn't even really asking, it was more like God knew what I needed even before I asked.
And so I come to you tonight God, with thanksgiving and praise.
You are good. Your ways are perfect.
Thank you for loving me; Thank you for even thinking of me.
I love you, and I acknowledge that all good things come from you.
I praise you Lord! Let all that is within me Bless Your Holy Name!
I saw a leaf fall today. It was only one, but it did fall.
That . . .
Taylor and Lee Ann had a great crop of tomatoes this summer.
I think they ate both of them for supper tonight.
This is That . . .
Matthew 6:3-4
3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
I wonder if God practices what he preaches?
I don't mean anything (Ican't think of the word) by saying that, I'm just thinking . . .
It seems that most of what God does in this age, he does in secret.
I forever want Him to do something great then shout out,
"That was me!"
But usually it comes out more as a question, "Was that you God?"
Then I answer myself, "Yes, I think it was".
I had something like that happen today. Some things came together that had that "in God's perfect timing" feel about it. I wasn't even really asking, it was more like God knew what I needed even before I asked.
And so I come to you tonight God, with thanksgiving and praise.
You are good. Your ways are perfect.
Thank you for loving me; Thank you for even thinking of me.
I love you, and I acknowledge that all good things come from you.
I praise you Lord! Let all that is within me Bless Your Holy Name!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Jesus . . . You're Beautiful
This . . .
During worship yesterday, I heard a song that I hadn't heard before called "Beautiful".
The chorus included this phrase, "ohhhh, ohhhh, you're beautiful".
I decided to google "ohhh you're beautiful" to try and find the song.
This led me to click on a youtube video that most certainly wasn't the kind of beautiful I was thinking of. I couldn't find the X Out button fast enough.
That . . .
My granddaughter Lucy is so sweet.
She just turned one and she is really, really sweet.
Also, she is soooooo sweet.
This is That . . .
Phil Wickham - "Beautiful"
I see Your face in every sunrise
The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes
The world awakens in the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say You're beautiful
Oooohhh. Ooohhh. Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
I see Your power in the moonlit night
Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright
We are amazed in the light of the stars
It's all proclaiming who You are
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
I see you there hanging on a tree
You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne
Soon we will be coming home
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . .You're Beautiful..
When we arrive at eternity's shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we'll sing
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
During worship yesterday, I heard a song that I hadn't heard before called "Beautiful".
The chorus included this phrase, "ohhhh, ohhhh, you're beautiful".
I decided to google "ohhh you're beautiful" to try and find the song.
This led me to click on a youtube video that most certainly wasn't the kind of beautiful I was thinking of. I couldn't find the X Out button fast enough.
That . . .
My granddaughter Lucy is so sweet.
She just turned one and she is really, really sweet.
Also, she is soooooo sweet.
This is That . . .
Phil Wickham - "Beautiful"
I see Your face in every sunrise
The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes
The world awakens in the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say You're beautiful
Oooohhh. Ooohhh. Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
I see Your power in the moonlit night
Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright
We are amazed in the light of the stars
It's all proclaiming who You are
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
I see you there hanging on a tree
You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne
Soon we will be coming home
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . .You're Beautiful..
When we arrive at eternity's shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we'll sing
You're beautiful.
Oooohhh. Ooohhh.Oooohhh. Ooohhh . . . You're Beautiful.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Battle Time
This . . .
It has been good to have Elliott home for a few days. I have long been familiar with the saying, "Wake up and smell the coffee", but last night I woke up at about 1:30 a.m. and "Smelled the popcorn".
Elliott loves the night time.
That . . .
"The Call DC" is this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. til 9:00 p.m.
Join in on or on Direct TV channel 365.
Twelve hours of worship and intercession.
Can God change a nation in a day?
When we call out, He will answer.
This is That . . .
There are different stages of battle, different stages of spiritual warfare.
There is a time to get ready, to prepare, to get familiar with our armour: The helmet of salvation, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.
Then there is a time of waiting. It's Moses camped out with the enemy closing in the night before God parts the waters. It's Gideon the night before waiting for the right time to shout and blow the trumpet. It's Joshua waiting for God to make a way into the promised land. It's Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father waiting for the right time.
Then there is a time for battle. The time to cross over and take the land. The time to blow the trumpet. The time to shout. The time to declare the word of the Lord.
In the smaller sense, all of these stages are going on all of the time as we face various trials and challenges.
Some things can wait.
Some things can't.
For those things - it's battletime.
It has been good to have Elliott home for a few days. I have long been familiar with the saying, "Wake up and smell the coffee", but last night I woke up at about 1:30 a.m. and "Smelled the popcorn".
Elliott loves the night time.
That . . .
"The Call DC" is this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. til 9:00 p.m.
Join in on or on Direct TV channel 365.
Twelve hours of worship and intercession.
Can God change a nation in a day?
When we call out, He will answer.
This is That . . .
There are different stages of battle, different stages of spiritual warfare.
There is a time to get ready, to prepare, to get familiar with our armour: The helmet of salvation, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.
Then there is a time of waiting. It's Moses camped out with the enemy closing in the night before God parts the waters. It's Gideon the night before waiting for the right time to shout and blow the trumpet. It's Joshua waiting for God to make a way into the promised land. It's Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father waiting for the right time.
Then there is a time for battle. The time to cross over and take the land. The time to blow the trumpet. The time to shout. The time to declare the word of the Lord.
In the smaller sense, all of these stages are going on all of the time as we face various trials and challenges.
Some things can wait.
Some things can't.
For those things - it's battletime.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Crying Out
This . . .
I have an old pair of cut off sweat pants that no longer has a draw string. So I had these shorts on when I went out to mow the yard this evening. After about a lap and a half of happy mowing, let's just say, my pants fell down. I did what anyone would do - I took a quick look around to make sure that no one was looking and then pulled my pants back up. The whole thing reminded me of Funniest Home Videos only it wasn't really that funny since no one was looking.
Here's the question: If you are all alone in a forest and your pants fall down with no one looking, is it still funny?
That . . .
Another working in the yard story.
There is a pit bull named "Rufus" chained up in our neighbors back yard about 30 feet from our tomato patch. He has a big old chain with a padlock around his neck. I am very glad about this chain thing.
When I water the tomatos in the evening he usually takes off running towards me, dragging his dog house, stirring up all sorts of dust and barking savagely. I can't keep my hair from standing on end, but I try to remain calm and show no fear.
Tonight I started to say, "Good dog, Rufus" cause thats what I always say to dogs, but I knew that wouldn't be true, so I instead I said,
"you're a . . . dog, Rufus.
Yes you are, what a . . . dog you are."
This is That . . .
I have been meditating on Isaiah 30:18-21
18 Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you.
For the LORD is a God of justice;
Blessed are all those who wait for Him.
19 For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem;
You shall weep no more.
He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry;
When He hears it, He will answer you.
20 And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction,
Yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore,
But your eyes shall see your teachers.
21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“ This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand or
whenever you turn to the left.
I cry out for forgiveness.
I cry out for God to have mercy.
I cry out for God to set His love as a seal upon my heart.
I cry out for grace to love God with all my heart, mind and soul.
I cry out for unity among all believers.
I cry out for God to end abortion.
I cry out for wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
I cry out for restoration of relationships.
I cry out for Salvation of loved ones.
I cry out for healing.
I cry out for God to rend the heavens and bring revival.
I cry out for God to provide for all of my needs according to His riches in Glory thru Christ Jesus.
I cry out for the return of Christ, and his reign over the earth in the millennium.
I cry out to hear a word behind me saying, "This is the way, walk in it".
When He hears my cry, He will answer.
I have an old pair of cut off sweat pants that no longer has a draw string. So I had these shorts on when I went out to mow the yard this evening. After about a lap and a half of happy mowing, let's just say, my pants fell down. I did what anyone would do - I took a quick look around to make sure that no one was looking and then pulled my pants back up. The whole thing reminded me of Funniest Home Videos only it wasn't really that funny since no one was looking.
Here's the question: If you are all alone in a forest and your pants fall down with no one looking, is it still funny?
That . . .
Another working in the yard story.
There is a pit bull named "Rufus" chained up in our neighbors back yard about 30 feet from our tomato patch. He has a big old chain with a padlock around his neck. I am very glad about this chain thing.
When I water the tomatos in the evening he usually takes off running towards me, dragging his dog house, stirring up all sorts of dust and barking savagely. I can't keep my hair from standing on end, but I try to remain calm and show no fear.
Tonight I started to say, "Good dog, Rufus" cause thats what I always say to dogs, but I knew that wouldn't be true, so I instead I said,
"you're a . . . dog, Rufus.
Yes you are, what a . . . dog you are."
This is That . . .
I have been meditating on Isaiah 30:18-21
18 Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you.
For the LORD is a God of justice;
Blessed are all those who wait for Him.
19 For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem;
You shall weep no more.
He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry;
When He hears it, He will answer you.
20 And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction,
Yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore,
But your eyes shall see your teachers.
21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“ This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand or
whenever you turn to the left.
I cry out for forgiveness.
I cry out for God to have mercy.
I cry out for God to set His love as a seal upon my heart.
I cry out for grace to love God with all my heart, mind and soul.
I cry out for unity among all believers.
I cry out for God to end abortion.
I cry out for wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
I cry out for restoration of relationships.
I cry out for Salvation of loved ones.
I cry out for healing.
I cry out for God to rend the heavens and bring revival.
I cry out for God to provide for all of my needs according to His riches in Glory thru Christ Jesus.
I cry out for the return of Christ, and his reign over the earth in the millennium.
I cry out to hear a word behind me saying, "This is the way, walk in it".
When He hears my cry, He will answer.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Victory Is His
This . . .
Two men are in a boat. The boat begins to take on water and sink.
One man starts bailing water, the other man begins to pray.
Sometimes, bailing water is required.
Prayer is always a wise thing to do.
So if you are one of the men in the boat?
I would advise you to pray and bail.
That being said . . .
I am one who tends to do first and pray later. When something goes wrong; when I encounter trouble; when evil threatens; when I anticipate a storm on the horizon . . .
My natural tendancy is to formulate a list of things I could do to improve my position.
This is That . . .
What should we do as evil and sin are on the rise?
God's holy prescription for our diseased state in times of national crisis and moral collapse is in Joel 2, which is a solemn assembly of united fasting and prayer:
"Now, therefore," says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.
Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes; let the bridegroom go out from His chamber, and the bride from her dressing room.
Then the Lord will be zealous for His land . . .
And in II Chronicles 7:13-14
When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
It's interesting that there is no mention of irrigation or pesticides. That could be the answer to our prayer, but the answer could just as easily be to dance in a dry ditch on one foot as we hoot and hollar seven times with a large bug net over our heads.
The point being, that God wants to be sure that we know . . .
that the victory is HIS.
Two men are in a boat. The boat begins to take on water and sink.
One man starts bailing water, the other man begins to pray.
Sometimes, bailing water is required.
Prayer is always a wise thing to do.
So if you are one of the men in the boat?
I would advise you to pray and bail.
That being said . . .
I am one who tends to do first and pray later. When something goes wrong; when I encounter trouble; when evil threatens; when I anticipate a storm on the horizon . . .
My natural tendancy is to formulate a list of things I could do to improve my position.
This is That . . .
What should we do as evil and sin are on the rise?
God's holy prescription for our diseased state in times of national crisis and moral collapse is in Joel 2, which is a solemn assembly of united fasting and prayer:
"Now, therefore," says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.
Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes; let the bridegroom go out from His chamber, and the bride from her dressing room.
Then the Lord will be zealous for His land . . .
And in II Chronicles 7:13-14
When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
It's interesting that there is no mention of irrigation or pesticides. That could be the answer to our prayer, but the answer could just as easily be to dance in a dry ditch on one foot as we hoot and hollar seven times with a large bug net over our heads.
The point being, that God wants to be sure that we know . . .
that the victory is HIS.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Praise On The River
This . . .
A lot of Americans use chop sticks when they go out to eat Chinese food here in the USA.
So do you think the Chinese people use forks when they go out for American food in China?
I helped Taylor re-roof his front porch last night. Roofing is hard work.
That . . .
I guess Beruit has a new restaurant called "Buns and Guns".
The chefs wear military helmets, some of the food is wrapped in camouflage paper and their slogan is "A Sandwich Can Kill You."
The restaurant is decorated with neatly stacked sandbags, camouflage nets, defused mortar shells and live ammunition.
The waiters serve the meals while wearing military uniforms with the sounds of gunfire as "background music".
The menu includes a "Magnum Chicken Sandwich", "Potato Wedge Grenades", and the mouth watering "AK-47 Klashnikov Assualt Rifle Sandwich"
The food is killer, but they charge an arm and a leg.
This is That . . .
If you live in Little Rock or are going to be there this week-end, here's something you might want to check-out.
There is an event called "Praise On The River" at the Amphitheater by the river next to the "River Market".
It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 10:00 p.m.
It is not a "Christian Concert", but will be 12 hours of worship and intercession.
There will be a variety of worship leaders there from around the country. "The Burn" will be there. I think they are from the Dallas area??? I can't name any others.
A worship team from the International House Of Prayer in KC will be leading from 7:00 til 10:00 p.m. Saturday evening.
A lot of Americans use chop sticks when they go out to eat Chinese food here in the USA.
So do you think the Chinese people use forks when they go out for American food in China?
I helped Taylor re-roof his front porch last night. Roofing is hard work.
That . . .
I guess Beruit has a new restaurant called "Buns and Guns".
The chefs wear military helmets, some of the food is wrapped in camouflage paper and their slogan is "A Sandwich Can Kill You."
The restaurant is decorated with neatly stacked sandbags, camouflage nets, defused mortar shells and live ammunition.
The waiters serve the meals while wearing military uniforms with the sounds of gunfire as "background music".
The menu includes a "Magnum Chicken Sandwich", "Potato Wedge Grenades", and the mouth watering "AK-47 Klashnikov Assualt Rifle Sandwich"
The food is killer, but they charge an arm and a leg.
This is That . . .
If you live in Little Rock or are going to be there this week-end, here's something you might want to check-out.
There is an event called "Praise On The River" at the Amphitheater by the river next to the "River Market".
It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 10:00 p.m.
It is not a "Christian Concert", but will be 12 hours of worship and intercession.
There will be a variety of worship leaders there from around the country. "The Burn" will be there. I think they are from the Dallas area??? I can't name any others.
A worship team from the International House Of Prayer in KC will be leading from 7:00 til 10:00 p.m. Saturday evening.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
How Hungry Are You?
This . . .
A thought for wives.
Let's just say your husband just finished mowing the yard.
What might you say when he comes inside?
Bad Response: "Now you need to weed-eat."
Better Response: "The yard looks great . . .
now you need to weed-eat."
Good Response: "Thank you, I appreciate all you do! The yard looks great" (Good time for a kiss on the cheek).
That . . .
Pigs are very smart, but they are not very obedient . . .
unless they are hungry.
You can teach a pig to do all sorts of stuff, but he likely won't do any of it if he is well fed. But if he is hungry, a pig is very eager to do whatever is asked with the hope of getting something to eat.
This is That . . .
People are that way too. The Bible says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled".
It is not easy to seek, ask, knock, and pray when everything is good. We are more likely to just sit and eat cookies.
When we are desperate, we cry out, and pray, and pray, because we are so aware of our great need.
When things are going well, our need is no less.
I want to stay hungry.
How hungry are you?
Great Response: "Thank you, sweetheart. The yard looks great (kiss on the cheek), I'll show you my appreciation a little later!
I'm talkin' mowing AND weed-eating to perfection . . .
two to three times a week!
A thought for wives.
Let's just say your husband just finished mowing the yard.
What might you say when he comes inside?
Bad Response: "Now you need to weed-eat."
Better Response: "The yard looks great . . .
now you need to weed-eat."
Good Response: "Thank you, I appreciate all you do! The yard looks great" (Good time for a kiss on the cheek).
That . . .
Pigs are very smart, but they are not very obedient . . .
unless they are hungry.
You can teach a pig to do all sorts of stuff, but he likely won't do any of it if he is well fed. But if he is hungry, a pig is very eager to do whatever is asked with the hope of getting something to eat.
This is That . . .
People are that way too. The Bible says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled".
It is not easy to seek, ask, knock, and pray when everything is good. We are more likely to just sit and eat cookies.
When we are desperate, we cry out, and pray, and pray, because we are so aware of our great need.
When things are going well, our need is no less.
I want to stay hungry.
How hungry are you?
Great Response: "Thank you, sweetheart. The yard looks great (kiss on the cheek), I'll show you my appreciation a little later!
I'm talkin' mowing AND weed-eating to perfection . . .
two to three times a week!
Monday, July 07, 2008
The Way Is Narrow
This . . .
Non-Dairy Creamer.
Don't tell me what it isn't, tell me what it is?
I read in the paper yesterday that a Pringles Potato Chip is only 45% potato. I guess that means that it's 55% chip.
When my great-grandfather homesteaded in Western Kansas they used buffalo "chips" to burn for cooking and heat.
There weren't any trees.
That . . .
Most polls on issues are a crock. We act as though we believe that if enough people believe something, then it must be true,
or it must be right.
If a majority of all people believed that a dog was a cat,
would a dog be a cat?
Right is right. Wrong is wrong, Truth is truth.
It doesn't really matter what people "think".
Truth is an arrow, and the gate is narrow that it passes thru.
This is That . . .
Today is 7-7-08 - one year after the 7-7-07 Call Nashville.
ReCALL it all here: 7/7/07
Non-Dairy Creamer.
Don't tell me what it isn't, tell me what it is?
I read in the paper yesterday that a Pringles Potato Chip is only 45% potato. I guess that means that it's 55% chip.
When my great-grandfather homesteaded in Western Kansas they used buffalo "chips" to burn for cooking and heat.
There weren't any trees.
That . . .
Most polls on issues are a crock. We act as though we believe that if enough people believe something, then it must be true,
or it must be right.
If a majority of all people believed that a dog was a cat,
would a dog be a cat?
Right is right. Wrong is wrong, Truth is truth.
It doesn't really matter what people "think".
Truth is an arrow, and the gate is narrow that it passes thru.
This is That . . .
Today is 7-7-08 - one year after the 7-7-07 Call Nashville.
ReCALL it all here: 7/7/07
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Innertubes, Bottoms and the Millennium
This . . .
My pet, Miller wasn't outside my window Friday night. I think he must have heard about that "smush" comment I made. I didn't mean to upset him, I was just being honest.
That . . .
I went to Wild River Country yesterday with Nathan, Amy, Elijah and Lucy. Here are a few thoughts about that.
Lucy is really cute, so I noticed a lot of people looking our way while I was holding her. One little guy came up and said, "You have a cute baby". That was fun.
Eli and I rode down a small chute in a innertube. It was really two tubes put together. The front tube (for the little one) has a bottom in it. The back tube (for the big one) has no bottom except when I put my big one in it.
The ride down was great, but after reaching the bottom (no pun intended) I had problems. It seems that I couldn't get out.
So I called 911 and said,
"Help! My bottoms in a tube and I can't get out!"
Help arrived and my bottom was most ungracefully removed. There were five or six hundred people just standing around pointing, gawking and laughing.
Eli's response? "Let's do it again".
We were all in the wave pool for awhile. Lucy was so excited and so happy I figured she might just release some massive, overjoyed, flying luminaries at any moment. Never a still moment and nothing but wide mouthed giggles and smiles.
I spent most of the time there without having my glasses on which left me about half blind. That turned out to be a good thing. With all the different half naked body shapes running around, being mostly blind wasn't so bad. There were alot of bodies no one would ever want to see, and then a bunch of others that would just be better not to see.
It was all a blur to me.
This is That . . .
I heard parts of two great messages from the IHOP Fascinate Conference this weekend.
That is a new House of Prayer conference for High Schoolers.
Friday night was Allan Hood - Wow.
Saturday night was David Sliker - another Wow.
The subject was about the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ. If you are like me, you don't have much of a grid for things after this present age, ie the millennium and eternity.
Is the Kingdom of God mostly for now, or mostly for then?
The answer - mostly both.
The hope we have for the "future promises" of God gives great encouragement for faith concerning the "present promises" of God.
Now we see thru a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
It's not just about "going to heaven", but about heaven coming down to earth.
More to come.
My pet, Miller wasn't outside my window Friday night. I think he must have heard about that "smush" comment I made. I didn't mean to upset him, I was just being honest.
That . . .
I went to Wild River Country yesterday with Nathan, Amy, Elijah and Lucy. Here are a few thoughts about that.
Lucy is really cute, so I noticed a lot of people looking our way while I was holding her. One little guy came up and said, "You have a cute baby". That was fun.
Eli and I rode down a small chute in a innertube. It was really two tubes put together. The front tube (for the little one) has a bottom in it. The back tube (for the big one) has no bottom except when I put my big one in it.
The ride down was great, but after reaching the bottom (no pun intended) I had problems. It seems that I couldn't get out.
So I called 911 and said,
"Help! My bottoms in a tube and I can't get out!"
Help arrived and my bottom was most ungracefully removed. There were five or six hundred people just standing around pointing, gawking and laughing.
Eli's response? "Let's do it again".
We were all in the wave pool for awhile. Lucy was so excited and so happy I figured she might just release some massive, overjoyed, flying luminaries at any moment. Never a still moment and nothing but wide mouthed giggles and smiles.
I spent most of the time there without having my glasses on which left me about half blind. That turned out to be a good thing. With all the different half naked body shapes running around, being mostly blind wasn't so bad. There were alot of bodies no one would ever want to see, and then a bunch of others that would just be better not to see.
It was all a blur to me.
This is That . . .
I heard parts of two great messages from the IHOP Fascinate Conference this weekend.
That is a new House of Prayer conference for High Schoolers.
Friday night was Allan Hood - Wow.
Saturday night was David Sliker - another Wow.
The subject was about the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ. If you are like me, you don't have much of a grid for things after this present age, ie the millennium and eternity.
Is the Kingdom of God mostly for now, or mostly for then?
The answer - mostly both.
The hope we have for the "future promises" of God gives great encouragement for faith concerning the "present promises" of God.
Now we see thru a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
It's not just about "going to heaven", but about heaven coming down to earth.
More to come.
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Friend Miller

This . . .
There was a moth outside my bedroom window last night.
He was there again tonight.
I think I have a pet moth.
We used to call moths millers, so that's what I'm going to call him . . . Miller.
That . . .
It is good that "Miller" is outside the window.
I have a tendancy to smush moths when they are inside.
This is That . . .
I am reading a book called "The Shack". It's about a guy, "Mack" who in the midst of great loss and heartache, struggles with believing that God is good.
In the book, God is a large black woman named "Papa". Jesus is Jesus. Sarayu is the Holy Spirit and Sophia is wisdom.
There is much thought provoking conversation between all the characters.
At one point Mack asks God to forgive him.
God's response, " . . . did that a long time ago. If you don't believe me, ask Jesus. He was there."
Another good quote from Papa on the same page, "My love is a lot bigger than your stupidity."
This book by William P. Young will likely make quite a run through the body of Christ. It's a good one.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
AGGHHH! I need you.
This . . .
That . . .
I need you God.
This is That . . .
Right by my side. Right by my side.
I could run away, but you will never leave.
You would always stay - right by my side.
Could that be true? Even if I don't fully believe it?
I pray so.
Everything I've ever wanted I've found in you.
I love you. I need you.
Though my world may fall, I will never let you go.
My Saviour, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end.
That . . .
I need you God.
This is That . . .
Right by my side. Right by my side.
I could run away, but you will never leave.
You would always stay - right by my side.
Could that be true? Even if I don't fully believe it?
I pray so.
Everything I've ever wanted I've found in you.
I love you. I need you.
Though my world may fall, I will never let you go.
My Saviour, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
LaLa Land?
This . . .
Do you remember the quote, "You can do it!"
What movie did that come from?
One time I was driving home thru my neighborhood, when I saw this girl I knew walking down the street in front of me. I decided it would be fun to slow up, roll down the window and let out a loud "wolf whistle" while she still couldn't see who I was.
So that's what I did. She wasn't the girl I thought she was.
That . . .
People are being driven from their homes on the west coast by fires.
The temperatures are above 110.
There are floods in Iowa and surrounding areas.
That's all bad, but get this.
Myanmar Cyclone Disaster - May 2&3, 2008
3 million victims
2-3 million homeless
2 million lack of food
1.5 million in danger of death
0.5 million Children
Over 100,000 confirmed death
This is That . . .
Here we are, kind of oblivious in Southeast Arkansas.
Are we just living right? Could be.
Are we just lucky? Maybe.
Are we responding properly? Probably not.
Sometimes things are good. What meanest thou this?
Sometimes things are not good. What meanest thou this?
If I'm in LaLa Land - I don't wanna be.
"The Longest Yard"
Do you remember the quote, "You can do it!"
What movie did that come from?
One time I was driving home thru my neighborhood, when I saw this girl I knew walking down the street in front of me. I decided it would be fun to slow up, roll down the window and let out a loud "wolf whistle" while she still couldn't see who I was.
So that's what I did. She wasn't the girl I thought she was.
That . . .
People are being driven from their homes on the west coast by fires.
The temperatures are above 110.
There are floods in Iowa and surrounding areas.
That's all bad, but get this.
Myanmar Cyclone Disaster - May 2&3, 2008
3 million victims
2-3 million homeless
2 million lack of food
1.5 million in danger of death
0.5 million Children
Over 100,000 confirmed death
This is That . . .
Here we are, kind of oblivious in Southeast Arkansas.
Are we just living right? Could be.
Are we just lucky? Maybe.
Are we responding properly? Probably not.
Sometimes things are good. What meanest thou this?
Sometimes things are not good. What meanest thou this?
If I'm in LaLa Land - I don't wanna be.
"The Longest Yard"
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Elliott's Bus Ride
This . . .
My son Elliott rode a Greyhound from KC to Pine Bluff yesterday. Not a great way to travel. He switched buses in Fayettville and when he got on everyone was giving him that "don't sit by me" look.
But a 45 or 50 year old lady finally gave him the nod so he sat down.
The first thing she said to him was "You've go alot of hair, boy!"
She asked him what he did, so he told her a little bit about praying in the night watch at IHOP.
Her response, "I think God made you sit with me."
She went on to tell him that she had just gotten out of prison after twenty six years. She kept saying, "You are so wierd."
Elliott asked her, "How long have you been out of prision?"
She answered, "Since 11:00 this morning".
Elliott shared his story with her a little bit and encouraged her to put her faith in Jesus.
Her response? "Wait til I tell my daughter, the Lord done sat me down next to a man of God!"
That's my son, Elliott - "A Man of God".
That . . .
I went to the grocery this morning and bought some strawberries and potatoes. The clerk rang it up and then said, "That will be $6.66." I hate when that happens.
This is That . . .
Sin abounds.
The earth is groaning.
Fires. Tornadoes. Earthquakes. Floods.
Matthew 24:3-14
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
My son Elliott rode a Greyhound from KC to Pine Bluff yesterday. Not a great way to travel. He switched buses in Fayettville and when he got on everyone was giving him that "don't sit by me" look.
But a 45 or 50 year old lady finally gave him the nod so he sat down.
The first thing she said to him was "You've go alot of hair, boy!"
She asked him what he did, so he told her a little bit about praying in the night watch at IHOP.
Her response, "I think God made you sit with me."
She went on to tell him that she had just gotten out of prison after twenty six years. She kept saying, "You are so wierd."
Elliott asked her, "How long have you been out of prision?"
She answered, "Since 11:00 this morning".
Elliott shared his story with her a little bit and encouraged her to put her faith in Jesus.
Her response? "Wait til I tell my daughter, the Lord done sat me down next to a man of God!"
That's my son, Elliott - "A Man of God".
That . . .
I went to the grocery this morning and bought some strawberries and potatoes. The clerk rang it up and then said, "That will be $6.66." I hate when that happens.
This is That . . .
Sin abounds.
The earth is groaning.
Fires. Tornadoes. Earthquakes. Floods.
Matthew 24:3-14
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
My "Aunt Mae"
This . . .
I have an "Aunt Mae" , my mother's sister, who was a missionary in Mexico for as long as I knew her. I was thinking about her today.
She generally made it back to the states a couple of times a year and we almost always saw her at those times. She would always ask me how my relationship with Jesus was going and talk to me a bit about Kingdom things, and then maybe begin to count my ribs. She never got past three until I was busting out laughing.
Many relatives kind of hated to see her coming . . . I always looked forward to our talks.
The advice I most remember was having her tell me, "Always keep your eyes on Jesus".
That . . .
Aunt Mae was vistiting us here in Monticello one time. My mom and dad had gone off to work leaving Aunt Mae alone in the house.
It just happened that the "bug man" came to the house that morning. Of course Aunt Mae had no idea who he was. As was his custom, he rang the doorbell, but then just came on in yelling, "BUG MAN, BUG MAN". My aunt didn't know wether to run or hit him with whatever she could find.
This is That . . .
Aunt Mae started many churches in Mexico, and many orphanages. She lived with some other Missionaries in a rather large house. They would often take people in off the street to live with them for a time, and would put the people to work in various ways to pay their way. Many, many of these came to Jesus as they shared the gospel. And so, as time went on, she developed quite an extended family.
She always told us that we would be unable to come to her funeral, because in Mexico when people die they don't keep them, they bury them. So when she died, about 15 years ago, none of us could go except another sister, Grace, who immediately got on a plane and arrived just in time for the funeral.
It was a nice service, but Grace couldn't understand why there were so few people. With all the lives Anna Mae had touched it seemed that the church should have been overflowing, but it wasn't.
And then the answer came. As they made their way to the cemetery quite a distance away, there were people from surounding villages lined up all along the sides of the road on both sides to pay their respects.
And then they all made their way to the cemetery, and after the burial they didn't leave, but stayed singing hymns of praise and worshipping for several hours. I believe the Angels were singing in heaven as well.
One day I will see my Aunt Mae again. How wonderful it will be to have her tell me all about Jesus and count my ribs again.
I have an "Aunt Mae" , my mother's sister, who was a missionary in Mexico for as long as I knew her. I was thinking about her today.
She generally made it back to the states a couple of times a year and we almost always saw her at those times. She would always ask me how my relationship with Jesus was going and talk to me a bit about Kingdom things, and then maybe begin to count my ribs. She never got past three until I was busting out laughing.
Many relatives kind of hated to see her coming . . . I always looked forward to our talks.
The advice I most remember was having her tell me, "Always keep your eyes on Jesus".
That . . .
Aunt Mae was vistiting us here in Monticello one time. My mom and dad had gone off to work leaving Aunt Mae alone in the house.
It just happened that the "bug man" came to the house that morning. Of course Aunt Mae had no idea who he was. As was his custom, he rang the doorbell, but then just came on in yelling, "BUG MAN, BUG MAN". My aunt didn't know wether to run or hit him with whatever she could find.
This is That . . .
Aunt Mae started many churches in Mexico, and many orphanages. She lived with some other Missionaries in a rather large house. They would often take people in off the street to live with them for a time, and would put the people to work in various ways to pay their way. Many, many of these came to Jesus as they shared the gospel. And so, as time went on, she developed quite an extended family.
She always told us that we would be unable to come to her funeral, because in Mexico when people die they don't keep them, they bury them. So when she died, about 15 years ago, none of us could go except another sister, Grace, who immediately got on a plane and arrived just in time for the funeral.
It was a nice service, but Grace couldn't understand why there were so few people. With all the lives Anna Mae had touched it seemed that the church should have been overflowing, but it wasn't.
And then the answer came. As they made their way to the cemetery quite a distance away, there were people from surounding villages lined up all along the sides of the road on both sides to pay their respects.
And then they all made their way to the cemetery, and after the burial they didn't leave, but stayed singing hymns of praise and worshipping for several hours. I believe the Angels were singing in heaven as well.
One day I will see my Aunt Mae again. How wonderful it will be to have her tell me all about Jesus and count my ribs again.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Allen Hood - The Blood of Jesus
This . . .
is Allen Hood.
He is a teacher at IHOP.
He loves Jesus.
That . . .
I don't know who put this YouTube video together. The visual is pretty random.
It might be good to just close your eyes and listen.
This is That . . .
is Allen Hood.
He is a teacher at IHOP.
He loves Jesus.
That . . .
I don't know who put this YouTube video together. The visual is pretty random.
It might be good to just close your eyes and listen.
This is That . . .
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Old Fogy?
This . . .
I recorded American Idol and watched it an hour delayed so I could fast forward thru the commercials and the boring stuff. So when the time came to name the winning David the announcer guy says, "And your new American Idol is David . . ." and right after the word David my recording ended and the screen went silent and blue.
That . . .
Old Fogy \Fo"gy\, n.; -- A dull old fellow.
As I watched American Idol tonight, I could feel "The World" tugging at my heart. The rock 'n roll, the glimmer and glitz, ZZ Top, Graham Nash (He is so "far out" as I used to say, but I fear totally lost), so why does my heart want to flip flop a bit when I watch this stuff.
This is That . . .
God's message for me Sunday was to bow down low and die to the world.
I don't want to be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of my mind.
I don't want to walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
I don't want to be on the wide path, I want to be on the narrow one.
I don't want the world to say, "Way to go dude", I want Jesus to say, "Well done".
I don't want to be average, I want to be a radical lover of the things of God.
"American Idol" - Interesting Title.
I might be an "Old Fogy" . . . or maybe not.
I recorded American Idol and watched it an hour delayed so I could fast forward thru the commercials and the boring stuff. So when the time came to name the winning David the announcer guy says, "And your new American Idol is David . . ." and right after the word David my recording ended and the screen went silent and blue.
That . . .
Old Fogy \Fo"gy\, n.; -- A dull old fellow.
As I watched American Idol tonight, I could feel "The World" tugging at my heart. The rock 'n roll, the glimmer and glitz, ZZ Top, Graham Nash (He is so "far out" as I used to say, but I fear totally lost), so why does my heart want to flip flop a bit when I watch this stuff.
This is That . . .
God's message for me Sunday was to bow down low and die to the world.
I don't want to be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of my mind.
I don't want to walk after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
I don't want to be on the wide path, I want to be on the narrow one.
I don't want the world to say, "Way to go dude", I want Jesus to say, "Well done".
I don't want to be average, I want to be a radical lover of the things of God.
"American Idol" - Interesting Title.
I might be an "Old Fogy" . . . or maybe not.
Monday, May 19, 2008
What Man Joins Together . . .

This . . .
I talked to a sales lady on the phone today about buying a battery for our video camera. She asked for the number on the old battery so I gave it to her.
She kind of laughed a not real laugh and then said, "You have about as much chance of finding that battery as you do of seeing Jesus".
I said, "Wow, great . . . So you think you have one?"
She didn't really respond to that, but said she would look.
After a moment of silence she said, "Oh my god, I do have one and it's on sale for half price!"
My response, "Isn't Jesus good? I'll take it."
That . . .
As I have often been told, "God loves you and has a plan for your life."
This whole plan of God thing was summed up pretty well for me yesterday morning.
Here is God's strategy for accomplishing all that He desires . . .
Get down on your face, die and bear fruit.
This is That . . .
If you are a believer in Jesus, here is a word of truth.
You are greatly, greatly blessed, for God has given you the gift of wisdom, revelation and knowledge of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And because of your response to this gift, you have eternal life.
The road that leads to destruction is wide, and many are on that path.
But as a believer in Jesus you are on a narrow path and greatly blessed because your gaze is fixed on Jesus the one who loves you, forgives you, keeps you from destruction and gives you eternal life.
What a blessing it is to know what you know.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The wind blows where it will
This . . .
I had a thought about that, but then I thought about that thought and realized I should think again about the thought I had.
That . . .
Lakeland, Florida
The "Wind" is blowing.
Set your sails.
This is That . . .
Come on God!
I had a thought about that, but then I thought about that thought and realized I should think again about the thought I had.
That . . .
Lakeland, Florida
The "Wind" is blowing.
Set your sails.
This is That . . .
Come on God!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
This is how I know what love is
This . . .
House of Prayer - Misty Edwards - Tuesday night.
That . . .
I desire to love you God.
With all my heart. With all my soul.
With all my strength and all I know.
This is That . . .
What does that look like? To love the Lord with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength? Here I am in all my weakness, and yet you love me and you invite me to love you. I choose to say yes.
Oh, how I want to love you more.
You gave your all for me. You gave your all to me.
This is how I know what love is.
Come after me. Draw me. Over and over and over again.
Never let me go.
I thank you . . . I praise you . . . I love you.
One goal one aim one vision one dream one thing.
You God - My magnificent obsession.
I could search the whole world thru
and I could search the heavens too
and I would find there's no one like you!
House of Prayer - Misty Edwards - Tuesday night.
That . . .
I desire to love you God.
With all my heart. With all my soul.
With all my strength and all I know.
This is That . . .
What does that look like? To love the Lord with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength? Here I am in all my weakness, and yet you love me and you invite me to love you. I choose to say yes.
Oh, how I want to love you more.
You gave your all for me. You gave your all to me.
This is how I know what love is.
Come after me. Draw me. Over and over and over again.
Never let me go.
I thank you . . . I praise you . . . I love you.
One goal one aim one vision one dream one thing.
You God - My magnificent obsession.
I could search the whole world thru
and I could search the heavens too
and I would find there's no one like you!
Monday, April 28, 2008
River of Living Water
This . . .
Exodus says that God visited his people.
He heard their cries and rescued them.
God . . . come and visit us. We need rescuing.
That . . .
Psalms something says,
I waited on the Lord and he heard my cry and answered. He pulled me up out of a horrible pit, out of the mire and clay and set my feet high on a rock. And he put a new song in my heart and many saw it, and believed.
This is That . . .
If any man thirsts (that would be me) let him come unto me and drink (actively seek out the weighty things of God, believe them, and receive them) the water I give him will become (it is a process) a spring of water welling up (this is not like filling a glass til it overflows, but having an actual inside Holy Spirit water spring) leading to life eternal (more process) out of your belly shall flow "rivers" (plural) of living water. Salvation is in the river. Healing and restoration are in the river. Forgiveness is in the river. Every good gift from God is in the river. I want to experience that river that is too deep to walk in, but must be experienced without my feet being on the bottom.
I can think of these things, I can even feel that water spring welling up inside my spirit, (just a little bit), but I don't think I have even come close to experiencing that river that flows out, or that is over my head (no wading), but I want to.
I've got a river of life, flowing out of me . . . . . .
Exodus says that God visited his people.
He heard their cries and rescued them.
God . . . come and visit us. We need rescuing.
That . . .
Psalms something says,
I waited on the Lord and he heard my cry and answered. He pulled me up out of a horrible pit, out of the mire and clay and set my feet high on a rock. And he put a new song in my heart and many saw it, and believed.
This is That . . .
If any man thirsts (that would be me) let him come unto me and drink (actively seek out the weighty things of God, believe them, and receive them) the water I give him will become (it is a process) a spring of water welling up (this is not like filling a glass til it overflows, but having an actual inside Holy Spirit water spring) leading to life eternal (more process) out of your belly shall flow "rivers" (plural) of living water. Salvation is in the river. Healing and restoration are in the river. Forgiveness is in the river. Every good gift from God is in the river. I want to experience that river that is too deep to walk in, but must be experienced without my feet being on the bottom.
I can think of these things, I can even feel that water spring welling up inside my spirit, (just a little bit), but I don't think I have even come close to experiencing that river that flows out, or that is over my head (no wading), but I want to.
I've got a river of life, flowing out of me . . . . . .
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday Thoughts
This . . .
I don't remember much about a English class I took in High School when we were studying Shakespeare, but I do remember one thing. In the play, there were two guys fencing together and at a very intense moment one of them strikes the other with the tip of his sword and says, "A Touch!"
The other responds with, "A touch, a touch I do confess."
Now our teacher told us this was "comic relief" to lighten the seriousness of the moment. Since that class, any time something comical happens at a serious moment, I always think, "A touch, a touch, I do confess".
I attended Journey Church this morning here in Monticello where my son Taylor leads worship. The message was on coming to God and receiving rest. There was a powerful testimony by one of the women there and then at the end Taylor sang a really great John Shirley song about "come unto me and I will give you rest". Then, when Jeff was ready to close the service with a prayer, the sound guy hit a wrong button causing some really strange music to totally break the seriousness of the moment.
A touch, a touch, I do confess.
That . . .
I left this comment on Jeff's blog yesterday.
When I was in Jr. High I was envolved in a tag game that lasted all year. Everyone who played was in the same study hall that only met once a week in the library for an hour. The game began at the beginning of the period and ended when the bell rang at the end. Whoever was “it” when the bell rang had the terrible burden of being “it” all week until the next study hall period. When you are in Jr. High, this is very serious stuff. Imagine a study hall game of tag in a library, fairly large with lots of aisles and places to hide, with only one teacher to supervise.
At the beginning of the hour, the game wasn’t that tense, but the closer we came to the bell, the more serious and daring everyone got. A popular strategy was to go up to the teacher with a question with about one minute to go, but for a Jr. High kid that didn’t matter much if you were “it”.
Blatant tagging ensued.
I’m sure that I wound up being “it” for a week once or twice, but that’s not the way I remember “it”. Makes me wonder who was it on the final study hall of the year. I guess they must still be “it”.
So I was thinking . . . this might be a fun game to play during church every week. It could make for some very interesting ending prayers and benedictions.
This morning before church, I tagged Jeff and told him he was "it".
A little later during meet and greet, he came by and gave me a little pat on the back. Yeah, right. Like I didn't know what that was all about.
I made sure to shake his hand at the end.
He's "it".
This is That . . .
Some things seem impossible, but we continue to pray believing for a miracle. A lost loved one, a healing, a broken relationship. The bones seem very old, very dry, very dead. And then God asks the question, "Can these bones live?"
We say, "I don't know what do you say?"
And God says, "yes".
Ezekiel 37
1 The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.”
4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”’”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
9 Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
Prophecy to the dry bones. Keep praying.
I don't remember much about a English class I took in High School when we were studying Shakespeare, but I do remember one thing. In the play, there were two guys fencing together and at a very intense moment one of them strikes the other with the tip of his sword and says, "A Touch!"
The other responds with, "A touch, a touch I do confess."
Now our teacher told us this was "comic relief" to lighten the seriousness of the moment. Since that class, any time something comical happens at a serious moment, I always think, "A touch, a touch, I do confess".
I attended Journey Church this morning here in Monticello where my son Taylor leads worship. The message was on coming to God and receiving rest. There was a powerful testimony by one of the women there and then at the end Taylor sang a really great John Shirley song about "come unto me and I will give you rest". Then, when Jeff was ready to close the service with a prayer, the sound guy hit a wrong button causing some really strange music to totally break the seriousness of the moment.
A touch, a touch, I do confess.
That . . .
I left this comment on Jeff's blog yesterday.
When I was in Jr. High I was envolved in a tag game that lasted all year. Everyone who played was in the same study hall that only met once a week in the library for an hour. The game began at the beginning of the period and ended when the bell rang at the end. Whoever was “it” when the bell rang had the terrible burden of being “it” all week until the next study hall period. When you are in Jr. High, this is very serious stuff. Imagine a study hall game of tag in a library, fairly large with lots of aisles and places to hide, with only one teacher to supervise.
At the beginning of the hour, the game wasn’t that tense, but the closer we came to the bell, the more serious and daring everyone got. A popular strategy was to go up to the teacher with a question with about one minute to go, but for a Jr. High kid that didn’t matter much if you were “it”.
Blatant tagging ensued.
I’m sure that I wound up being “it” for a week once or twice, but that’s not the way I remember “it”. Makes me wonder who was it on the final study hall of the year. I guess they must still be “it”.
So I was thinking . . . this might be a fun game to play during church every week. It could make for some very interesting ending prayers and benedictions.
This morning before church, I tagged Jeff and told him he was "it".
A little later during meet and greet, he came by and gave me a little pat on the back. Yeah, right. Like I didn't know what that was all about.
I made sure to shake his hand at the end.
He's "it".
This is That . . .
Some things seem impossible, but we continue to pray believing for a miracle. A lost loved one, a healing, a broken relationship. The bones seem very old, very dry, very dead. And then God asks the question, "Can these bones live?"
We say, "I don't know what do you say?"
And God says, "yes".
Ezekiel 37
1 The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.”
4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”’”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
9 Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
Prophecy to the dry bones. Keep praying.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
This . . .
I watched a little bit of the Masters Golf Tournament today.
That one guy that yells, "Get in the hole!" every time someone tees off was still there.
He tees me off.
By the way, you know that cooking guy Emeril with the cooking show
"Emeril Live"? Well anyway I think he won the tournament.
That . . .
A little political advice.
Obama - Don't say what you really think.
Hillary - Don't say what didn't happen.
Bill - Don't say anything.
This is That . . .
I have been wanting to pick up my guitar again as a means of worship. I held one all thru worship Friday night.
I guess that's a start.
I watched a little bit of the Masters Golf Tournament today.
That one guy that yells, "Get in the hole!" every time someone tees off was still there.
He tees me off.
By the way, you know that cooking guy Emeril with the cooking show
"Emeril Live"? Well anyway I think he won the tournament.
That . . .
A little political advice.
Obama - Don't say what you really think.
Hillary - Don't say what didn't happen.
Bill - Don't say anything.
This is That . . .
I have been wanting to pick up my guitar again as a means of worship. I held one all thru worship Friday night.
I guess that's a start.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Please Get Connected With "The Call"
This . . .
I hope all of you are paying attention to Lou Engle and all the different "The Call" events. You can watch live at God TV or on Channel 365 if you have Direct TV.
"The Call Alabama" took place yesterday in Montgomery Alabama. God is definately downloading divine strategies by bringing together different ministries under a canopy of intercession to give tangible leadership to the body of Christ. In other words, God is saying this is what I want you to do, and this is how to do it; this is where I want you to go, and this is how I want you to get there; I have a plan and this is what you need to do.
That . . .
Here are some areas that God has pinpointed thru various recent "Calls".
1. The urgency to end the shedding of innocent blood - abortion. At the New Year's Call in KC Lou Engle spoke about how God demands justice when innocent blood is shed. Justice means judgement unless we plead a better blood, the blood of Jesus. Watch "Innocent Blood"
Or go to The Call and click on resources for the pdf notes.
2. The preaching of the Gospel to all the earth. You can read about this at a previous blog called "Unity Of Believers To Reach The Nations".
3. The call to end racism in the body of Christ. This was a highlight of "The Call Alabama". It is time to do more than dream about it, talk about it, and think about it. God wants unity among believers of all denominations, all ethnic groups, all Christians . . . period.
Read more about the "Reconciliation Referendum"
4. The call to purity and holiness. Internet pornography is rampent. Immorality is rampent. The church is at war. Many, many believers are struggling in this area. Many pastors are struggling in this area. Jesus will have a spotless bride. I believe this "Purity Covenant" is an answer to prayer. God is providing a way to victory in the area of sexual immorality. Go to "The Call", and click on "The Purity Covenant".
This is That . . .
Lou Engle distributes a red life band for people to wear. I guess it is called that because it is red and has the word life on it. It's purpose is to remind the wearer to pray a simple prayer to end abortion.
Here is the prayer:
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
God end abortion and send revival to America.
I am adding two more prayers to pray as I am reminded by the red band I wear.
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sins of your church.
God end racism and bring unity among all believers.
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sins of sexual immorality within the church.
God, I pray for mercy, and ask for power to be pure and holy as you are holy.
I hope all of you are paying attention to Lou Engle and all the different "The Call" events. You can watch live at God TV or on Channel 365 if you have Direct TV.
"The Call Alabama" took place yesterday in Montgomery Alabama. God is definately downloading divine strategies by bringing together different ministries under a canopy of intercession to give tangible leadership to the body of Christ. In other words, God is saying this is what I want you to do, and this is how to do it; this is where I want you to go, and this is how I want you to get there; I have a plan and this is what you need to do.
That . . .
Here are some areas that God has pinpointed thru various recent "Calls".
1. The urgency to end the shedding of innocent blood - abortion. At the New Year's Call in KC Lou Engle spoke about how God demands justice when innocent blood is shed. Justice means judgement unless we plead a better blood, the blood of Jesus. Watch "Innocent Blood"
Or go to The Call and click on resources for the pdf notes.
2. The preaching of the Gospel to all the earth. You can read about this at a previous blog called "Unity Of Believers To Reach The Nations".
3. The call to end racism in the body of Christ. This was a highlight of "The Call Alabama". It is time to do more than dream about it, talk about it, and think about it. God wants unity among believers of all denominations, all ethnic groups, all Christians . . . period.
Read more about the "Reconciliation Referendum"
4. The call to purity and holiness. Internet pornography is rampent. Immorality is rampent. The church is at war. Many, many believers are struggling in this area. Many pastors are struggling in this area. Jesus will have a spotless bride. I believe this "Purity Covenant" is an answer to prayer. God is providing a way to victory in the area of sexual immorality. Go to "The Call", and click on "The Purity Covenant".
This is That . . .
Lou Engle distributes a red life band for people to wear. I guess it is called that because it is red and has the word life on it. It's purpose is to remind the wearer to pray a simple prayer to end abortion.
Here is the prayer:
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.
God end abortion and send revival to America.
I am adding two more prayers to pray as I am reminded by the red band I wear.
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sins of your church.
God end racism and bring unity among all believers.
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sins of sexual immorality within the church.
God, I pray for mercy, and ask for power to be pure and holy as you are holy.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Where will believers live forever?
This . . .
Let's just say that Jesus returns at his second coming fifteen years from today. That is a totally made up time period, but what if that were to happen?
Where do you think you would be 50 years from now?
Where would you be in 500 years or 2000 years?
That . . .
What is the purpose of Jesus' second coming?
When Jesus returns, how long will he stay?
Why do we get new bodies when He returns?
Why do believers who die before His coming lose their bodies and then get new bodies when He returns?
What does heaven look like now? What will heaven look like during the millennium? What is the millennium?
This is That . . .
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
It's a little hard to imagine eternity. That would be forever, and ever, and even longer than that. What will we be doing for all that time?
What will earth look like in eternity?
What will heaven look like in eternity?
Will you spend eternity in heaven? Or on earth? Or neither? Or both?
What meanest Thou this?
Let's just say that Jesus returns at his second coming fifteen years from today. That is a totally made up time period, but what if that were to happen?
Where do you think you would be 50 years from now?
Where would you be in 500 years or 2000 years?
That . . .
What is the purpose of Jesus' second coming?
When Jesus returns, how long will he stay?
Why do we get new bodies when He returns?
Why do believers who die before His coming lose their bodies and then get new bodies when He returns?
What does heaven look like now? What will heaven look like during the millennium? What is the millennium?
This is That . . .
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
It's a little hard to imagine eternity. That would be forever, and ever, and even longer than that. What will we be doing for all that time?
What will earth look like in eternity?
What will heaven look like in eternity?
Will you spend eternity in heaven? Or on earth? Or neither? Or both?
What meanest Thou this?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Resurrection Sunday
This . . .
The first great thing about Direct TV is the God TV Channel. Being able to record stuff is good too. And then there's the rewind feature.
That . . .
So I'm sitting here watching a NCAA Tournament basketball game with my mom.
She says, "That's the third time in a row they have done that".
I say, "I'm rewinding that play, mom".
This is That . . .
Matthew 7
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
It is Easter Sunday and I just read the Sunday Comics. There were 27 different comics. Twenty had no reference to Easter at all. Six referenced Easter Bunnies.
Only one had a meaningful reference to Easter - Mallard Fillmore.
The first great thing about Direct TV is the God TV Channel. Being able to record stuff is good too. And then there's the rewind feature.
That . . .
So I'm sitting here watching a NCAA Tournament basketball game with my mom.
She says, "That's the third time in a row they have done that".
I say, "I'm rewinding that play, mom".
This is That . . .
Matthew 7
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
It is Easter Sunday and I just read the Sunday Comics. There were 27 different comics. Twenty had no reference to Easter at all. Six referenced Easter Bunnies.
Only one had a meaningful reference to Easter - Mallard Fillmore.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
More Horton
This . . .
Favorite quotes (Sermon Topics)
The jungle is no place to act like a wild animal.
If you can't see, hear, or feel something . . . it doesn't exist.
You're talking to a clover . . . that doesn't look good.
We won't tell anyone and if we do, we'll tell them not to tell anyone.
Nothing has ever gone wrong in Whoville. Nothing ever has, and nothing ever will you blabbering boob!
In my world, everyone is a pony
and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.
Do you really want to put yourself through this for a speck?
I don't think you do.
A person is a person no matter how small.
You need to go to bed, Daddies having a breakdown.
I will take it, I will crush it and I will devour it. Then I regurgitate it.
Then I will devour it again . . . two times devoured.
Mr. Mayor, it is snowing in the summer.
It's a dramatic climate change. Whoville is headed for disaster! Mayor . . . it's the end of the world!
I said what I meant and I meant what I said.
Keep watching the skies.
The lost and found is missing.
Horton is a giant elephant in the sky. Don't bother looking, he's invisable.
Show them what a non-boob I am.
Look at the wind. What does that mean? . . . Let the kite flying begin.
Oohh, brain freeze!
Citizens of Whoville. I would like you to meet Horton. He's going to help us.
All you have to do is admit that there are no little people on that little spec. Just say I was wrong and you were right.
Come on, keep going.
Rudy get back in the pouch. NO, mom.
You are a warrior poet.
That . . .
I've always heard people say, "The book was better", after seeing a movie taken from a book. I never knew, because I almost never read the book. I did read this one, I just couldn't put it down. I read it in less than a day!
There was one change in the movie that I did'nt really like.
In the book, JoJo is a little twirp.He's a shirker. He's yo-yoing at a time when every prayer is needed. In the end, it is his prayer, "YOPP", that makes the differnce - the prayer that turns everything around.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We all behave as little twirps at times. We shirk our responsibilities. We yo-yo when we should be praying. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive.
This is That . . .
Prepare the way of the Lord.
Blow the trumpet is Zion. Sound the alarm in Whoville.
"Keep watching the skies"
Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24
As in the days of (the mayor) Noah.
"Nothing has ever gone wrong in Whoville"
"In my world we eat rainbows and poop butterflies"
"Look at the wind. What does that mean? . . . Let the kite flying begin"
WAKE UP - The rain is coming!
I could go on and on, the possibilites are endless, but one more thing . . .
I couldn't help but compare the showdown scene between Horton, Morton and all the Who's with the Kangaroos, the Monkeys and all the rest - It was much like the showdown between The Prophet Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (and the kangaroo Jezebel)
I believe another showdown is yet to come.
"Come on God, show them what non-boobs we are.
And whoever gives a cookie to the least of these . . .
Favorite quotes (Sermon Topics)
The jungle is no place to act like a wild animal.
If you can't see, hear, or feel something . . . it doesn't exist.
You're talking to a clover . . . that doesn't look good.
We won't tell anyone and if we do, we'll tell them not to tell anyone.
Nothing has ever gone wrong in Whoville. Nothing ever has, and nothing ever will you blabbering boob!
In my world, everyone is a pony
and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.
Do you really want to put yourself through this for a speck?
I don't think you do.
A person is a person no matter how small.
You need to go to bed, Daddies having a breakdown.
I will take it, I will crush it and I will devour it. Then I regurgitate it.
Then I will devour it again . . . two times devoured.
Mr. Mayor, it is snowing in the summer.
It's a dramatic climate change. Whoville is headed for disaster! Mayor . . . it's the end of the world!
I said what I meant and I meant what I said.
Keep watching the skies.
The lost and found is missing.
Horton is a giant elephant in the sky. Don't bother looking, he's invisable.
Show them what a non-boob I am.
Look at the wind. What does that mean? . . . Let the kite flying begin.
Oohh, brain freeze!
Citizens of Whoville. I would like you to meet Horton. He's going to help us.
All you have to do is admit that there are no little people on that little spec. Just say I was wrong and you were right.
Come on, keep going.
Rudy get back in the pouch. NO, mom.
You are a warrior poet.
That . . .
I've always heard people say, "The book was better", after seeing a movie taken from a book. I never knew, because I almost never read the book. I did read this one, I just couldn't put it down. I read it in less than a day!
There was one change in the movie that I did'nt really like.
In the book, JoJo is a little twirp.He's a shirker. He's yo-yoing at a time when every prayer is needed. In the end, it is his prayer, "YOPP", that makes the differnce - the prayer that turns everything around.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We all behave as little twirps at times. We shirk our responsibilities. We yo-yo when we should be praying. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive.
This is That . . .
Prepare the way of the Lord.
Blow the trumpet is Zion. Sound the alarm in Whoville.
"Keep watching the skies"
Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24
As in the days of (the mayor) Noah.
"Nothing has ever gone wrong in Whoville"
"In my world we eat rainbows and poop butterflies"
"Look at the wind. What does that mean? . . . Let the kite flying begin"
WAKE UP - The rain is coming!
I could go on and on, the possibilites are endless, but one more thing . . .
I couldn't help but compare the showdown scene between Horton, Morton and all the Who's with the Kangaroos, the Monkeys and all the rest - It was much like the showdown between The Prophet Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (and the kangaroo Jezebel)
I believe another showdown is yet to come.
"Come on God, show them what non-boobs we are.
And whoever gives a cookie to the least of these . . .
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Horton hears a who!
This . . .
I went to see Horton Hears A Who last night.
That . . .
Even though it was not purposely written as such, I believe it is a modern day parable, full of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God; dealing with our world today and God's thoughts concerning things he wants us to know and understand.
I am working to put together some of my thoughts and will be posting them soon. I would like to hear your thoughts as well.
This is That . . .
Here is a video made by Lou Engle a couple of years ago. Good stuff to think about before or after going to see, "Horton Hears A Who".
I went to see Horton Hears A Who last night.
That . . .
Even though it was not purposely written as such, I believe it is a modern day parable, full of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God; dealing with our world today and God's thoughts concerning things he wants us to know and understand.
I am working to put together some of my thoughts and will be posting them soon. I would like to hear your thoughts as well.
This is That . . .
Here is a video made by Lou Engle a couple of years ago. Good stuff to think about before or after going to see, "Horton Hears A Who".
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What's The Question?
This . . .
I have a confession to make. I watched American Idol tonight.
For all of the rest of you who watched as well, I would say it's not for me to judge, but like me, you probably need to repent.
Please understand that this is "this" and not "this is that".
That . . .
Two observations.
(1) How can a person sing about "All The Lonely People" while smiling and winking at his fans through the whole thing and then have the judges say it was so great. A good question to have asked him would have been, did you ever think of even one lonely person while you were singing?
(2) I get strong negative feelings when people wave their hands back and forth during meaningless songs as though some great thing is being accomplished by how good it feels to be meaningless.
The only thing worse is to light a candle.
I am like totally not ready to post "This Is That" so I am going to take a moment to recover and then I'll get to it.
This is That . . .
I heard James Goll say one time how important it is to ask the right question. He said when you ask the right question you will find yourself very near the right answer.
I am wondering what question it is that I need to ask God?
What answer would he love to give to me if I would only ask?
What question would God ask me if I had ears to hear. By hearing the right question, what might I learn? It is not like God ever asks anything because he needs to know the answer. Rather, he asks because we need to know the answer.
No answers here, only longing for the right questions.
I have a confession to make. I watched American Idol tonight.
For all of the rest of you who watched as well, I would say it's not for me to judge, but like me, you probably need to repent.
Please understand that this is "this" and not "this is that".
That . . .
Two observations.
(1) How can a person sing about "All The Lonely People" while smiling and winking at his fans through the whole thing and then have the judges say it was so great. A good question to have asked him would have been, did you ever think of even one lonely person while you were singing?
(2) I get strong negative feelings when people wave their hands back and forth during meaningless songs as though some great thing is being accomplished by how good it feels to be meaningless.
The only thing worse is to light a candle.
I am like totally not ready to post "This Is That" so I am going to take a moment to recover and then I'll get to it.
This is That . . .
I heard James Goll say one time how important it is to ask the right question. He said when you ask the right question you will find yourself very near the right answer.
I am wondering what question it is that I need to ask God?
What answer would he love to give to me if I would only ask?
What question would God ask me if I had ears to hear. By hearing the right question, what might I learn? It is not like God ever asks anything because he needs to know the answer. Rather, he asks because we need to know the answer.
No answers here, only longing for the right questions.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
One Year Ago
This . . .
I thought it might be interesting to repost a blog from about a year ago. So I went back to look, and here is what I found from March 13, 2007.
That . . .
I just got back from the "Passion for Jesus Conference" at IHOP in Kansas City. It was great to be there with new friends Shane, Wendy and daughter Loren; Corey, Enid and their six children; and Mark, Amy and their five children. It was also great to see Tarah and to spend an hour or so with Charity at Higher Grounds (Mission Base Coffee Shop).
This is That . . .
If IHOP was a volcano, I would say it is about to errupt. For a long time and even now the feeling there is one of a slow but steady march forward. This is their 8th year of 24/7 non-stop worship and intercession. Just slowly but fervently pressing in to the heart of God thru intercession, worship, and study of God's word. A place of deliberate positioning to be exactly where God wants them to be.
Bob Jones had a vision 25 years ago of a bus going slowly up a mountain. The bus had seven windows and the leadership of IHOP were seen in each window, only it wasn't IHOP 25 years ago. Jesus was driving the bus. Many were complaining because the bus was traveling up the mountain too slowly. "Come on Jesus, can't we go faster?"
Then the bus reached the top and began coming down at an extremely high speed. Everyone was fearful that the bus would crash. "Jesus, slow down! We are glad that you are now pouring out your spirit with signs and wonders, but let's keep it under control, we don't want to go off the cliff!"
IHOP has the feeling of approaching the top of the mountain.
Jesus is a great leader. His love is perfect. His mercy is perfect. His judgements are perfect. His ability to drive the bus is perfect.
As believers everywhere continue up the mountain, we need to position ourselves in holiness. Wholeheartedness is required - no riding the fence. Fervent prayer is required. Wisdom and revelation of Jesus in the scriptures is required. This is no time to be slack . . . no time to be apathetic . . . no time to wait til tomorrow.
Let us encourage one another as we meet together in solemn assemblies and press in and pray, press in and pray, press in and pray.
This . . .
I thought it might be interesting to repost a blog from about a year ago. So I went back to look, and here is what I found from March 13, 2007.
That . . .
I just got back from the "Passion for Jesus Conference" at IHOP in Kansas City. It was great to be there with new friends Shane, Wendy and daughter Loren; Corey, Enid and their six children; and Mark, Amy and their five children. It was also great to see Tarah and to spend an hour or so with Charity at Higher Grounds (Mission Base Coffee Shop).
This is That . . .
If IHOP was a volcano, I would say it is about to errupt. For a long time and even now the feeling there is one of a slow but steady march forward. This is their 8th year of 24/7 non-stop worship and intercession. Just slowly but fervently pressing in to the heart of God thru intercession, worship, and study of God's word. A place of deliberate positioning to be exactly where God wants them to be.
Bob Jones had a vision 25 years ago of a bus going slowly up a mountain. The bus had seven windows and the leadership of IHOP were seen in each window, only it wasn't IHOP 25 years ago. Jesus was driving the bus. Many were complaining because the bus was traveling up the mountain too slowly. "Come on Jesus, can't we go faster?"
Then the bus reached the top and began coming down at an extremely high speed. Everyone was fearful that the bus would crash. "Jesus, slow down! We are glad that you are now pouring out your spirit with signs and wonders, but let's keep it under control, we don't want to go off the cliff!"
IHOP has the feeling of approaching the top of the mountain.
Jesus is a great leader. His love is perfect. His mercy is perfect. His judgements are perfect. His ability to drive the bus is perfect.
As believers everywhere continue up the mountain, we need to position ourselves in holiness. Wholeheartedness is required - no riding the fence. Fervent prayer is required. Wisdom and revelation of Jesus in the scriptures is required. This is no time to be slack . . . no time to be apathetic . . . no time to wait til tomorrow.
Let us encourage one another as we meet together in solemn assemblies and press in and pray, press in and pray, press in and pray.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Prayer For The Workforce
Luke 24:49
Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.
Acts 1:8
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Father we come before you and we lift up all those in the work place who love your son this morning. As they are making their way to their places of work, we gather before your throne and we bring your promises back to you. We speak them into your holy heart. Father you have promised that if we would gather, if we would tarry, if we would wait in a receptive posture before you, to hear your word, to seek your light to gaze upon you, to take your word and to turn it back in to prayer to you, that you would pour out your Spirit, that you would in fact endue your people with power even as you did in Jerusalem - with power from on high.
. . . Lord we bring before you the work force of our city, all those who love you, and all those you love, the ones you are committed to fight for; those you desire to send out as salt and light, to preserve the very fabric of our society, and to lift up the light of your countenance. We lift them up to you and we ask, oh that you would pour out your Spirit upon them; that you would endue them with power. We pray for power upon their hearts, power upon their arms, power upon their inner man and the stretching forth of their hands, that you would establish the working of their hands in the beauty of the Lord.
. . . Father we ask that you would pour out your Spirit and endue them with power from on high. We thank you that you are not a God who is far off and distant; that you are a God so very near, that you have made your home within us. Lord we ask today that you would endue them with power. We pray for the mothers, God, training their children at home, for all those working in every area of life, that you would send them out with power upon their hearts, and power upon their hands, that they would be witnesses unto you, light in the dark places, that they would be salt and light preserving the glory of your purposes among the people they meet.
. . . We ask you today Father, in the name of Jesus, that you would look upon all those in the work force who love you, and today as we tarry, pour out your Spirit and endue them with power. In Jesus name we pray God, pour out your Spirit.
Endue them with power from on high;
Look down from heaven and shine your light.
Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.
Acts 1:8
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Father we come before you and we lift up all those in the work place who love your son this morning. As they are making their way to their places of work, we gather before your throne and we bring your promises back to you. We speak them into your holy heart. Father you have promised that if we would gather, if we would tarry, if we would wait in a receptive posture before you, to hear your word, to seek your light to gaze upon you, to take your word and to turn it back in to prayer to you, that you would pour out your Spirit, that you would in fact endue your people with power even as you did in Jerusalem - with power from on high.
. . . Lord we bring before you the work force of our city, all those who love you, and all those you love, the ones you are committed to fight for; those you desire to send out as salt and light, to preserve the very fabric of our society, and to lift up the light of your countenance. We lift them up to you and we ask, oh that you would pour out your Spirit upon them; that you would endue them with power. We pray for power upon their hearts, power upon their arms, power upon their inner man and the stretching forth of their hands, that you would establish the working of their hands in the beauty of the Lord.
. . . Father we ask that you would pour out your Spirit and endue them with power from on high. We thank you that you are not a God who is far off and distant; that you are a God so very near, that you have made your home within us. Lord we ask today that you would endue them with power. We pray for the mothers, God, training their children at home, for all those working in every area of life, that you would send them out with power upon their hearts, and power upon their hands, that they would be witnesses unto you, light in the dark places, that they would be salt and light preserving the glory of your purposes among the people they meet.
. . . We ask you today Father, in the name of Jesus, that you would look upon all those in the work force who love you, and today as we tarry, pour out your Spirit and endue them with power. In Jesus name we pray God, pour out your Spirit.
Endue them with power from on high;
Look down from heaven and shine your light.
This . . .
I was driving in Missouri this past weekend and stopped at a
Wal-Mart Super Center. It had all the regular departments, you know - The Wal-Mart Food Center, The Wal-Mart Tire and Lube,
The Wal-Mart 1-Hour Photo and . . .
The Wal-Mart Liquor Store. What????
That . . .
I believe that baptism by immersion is required of those who recieve Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I am not really sure why, since I don't believe that it is a requirement of salvation. I guess the main reason is that Jesus said to do it, enough said.
I was sprinkled as a baby and have wanted for a few years to be immersed, but the opportunity never came up . . . until this week-end. The International House Of Prayer in KC had a baptism service this past week-end and so my son Elliott and I were both baptised along with about 25 others. It was good, very affirming and cleansing for me and I believe significant in the eyes of God.
This is That . . .
It is a powerful thing to take the word of God and turn it into prayer. That is really what prayer is, taking what God says in His word and saying it back to Him.
The prayer leaders at IHOP will usually begin by giving a scripture they will be praying from. Then they read the scripture and pray accordingly. To continue, the singers will then begin to sing the scripture and the prayer back to God again.
Over the coming days, I intend to transcribe some of the daily house of prayer prayers. I will give the scripture and then the prayer and who is praying, changing it only slightly to make it more personal.
If you so desire, I encourage you to take the prayer and make it your own as well.
I was driving in Missouri this past weekend and stopped at a
Wal-Mart Super Center. It had all the regular departments, you know - The Wal-Mart Food Center, The Wal-Mart Tire and Lube,
The Wal-Mart 1-Hour Photo and . . .
The Wal-Mart Liquor Store. What????
That . . .
I believe that baptism by immersion is required of those who recieve Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I am not really sure why, since I don't believe that it is a requirement of salvation. I guess the main reason is that Jesus said to do it, enough said.
I was sprinkled as a baby and have wanted for a few years to be immersed, but the opportunity never came up . . . until this week-end. The International House Of Prayer in KC had a baptism service this past week-end and so my son Elliott and I were both baptised along with about 25 others. It was good, very affirming and cleansing for me and I believe significant in the eyes of God.
This is That . . .
It is a powerful thing to take the word of God and turn it into prayer. That is really what prayer is, taking what God says in His word and saying it back to Him.
The prayer leaders at IHOP will usually begin by giving a scripture they will be praying from. Then they read the scripture and pray accordingly. To continue, the singers will then begin to sing the scripture and the prayer back to God again.
Over the coming days, I intend to transcribe some of the daily house of prayer prayers. I will give the scripture and then the prayer and who is praying, changing it only slightly to make it more personal.
If you so desire, I encourage you to take the prayer and make it your own as well.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
This . . .
Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Can this be true? Can we really approach the throne room of God and find grace to help us in our time of need?
Only by the blood of Jesus that washes us clean and makes us righteous.
Only because the veil was rent in two making it possible for us to enter in.
Only because of God's great love and his desire to have us with him.
That . . .
God is holy. As Misty Edwards says, He is completely other than.
He is so good he takes our breath away.
He is so powerful, we dare not be in his presence lest we die, yet he bids us to come.
He is full of light, full of truth, full of power, full of holiness.
He is holy.
This is That . . .
Here we are God. Before your throne of grace.
Here we are God, we come before your mercy seat.
I can see the lightning; I can feel the thunder.
I can hear the voices proceeding from your throne.
Twenty four elders bowing low; Casting down their crowns of gold.
Four living creatures crying out day and night, night and day.
And only one word comes to mind;
There's only one word to describe.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.
There is no one like you God.
You are completely other than . . . You are holy.
Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Can this be true? Can we really approach the throne room of God and find grace to help us in our time of need?
Only by the blood of Jesus that washes us clean and makes us righteous.
Only because the veil was rent in two making it possible for us to enter in.
Only because of God's great love and his desire to have us with him.
That . . .
God is holy. As Misty Edwards says, He is completely other than.
He is so good he takes our breath away.
He is so powerful, we dare not be in his presence lest we die, yet he bids us to come.
He is full of light, full of truth, full of power, full of holiness.
He is holy.
This is That . . .
Here we are God. Before your throne of grace.
Here we are God, we come before your mercy seat.
I can see the lightning; I can feel the thunder.
I can hear the voices proceeding from your throne.
Twenty four elders bowing low; Casting down their crowns of gold.
Four living creatures crying out day and night, night and day.
And only one word comes to mind;
There's only one word to describe.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.
There is no one like you God.
You are completely other than . . . You are holy.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Big Bird . . .Big God
This . . .
Here is a quote from some Fox news guy commenting on the Democratic presidential race:
"We know less about what we know than what we don't know".
That . . .

I was filling the birdfeeder that hangs on our back patio and our cat Jasper (better known as Bullwinkle or Jasperado) was watching me. With a smile on his big cat face and his eyes wide open, I could hear him thinking,
"Bird Bait!".
Another thought about the birds. Who fed the birds in the winter before people started feeding them? I guess they just all starved to death back then. I get the feeling that the same birds just keep coming back day after day, it's not like they take turns, or tell the other birds all about it, That's why many of them are so fat.
So one bird was talking to another bird, "Wow, you look like you have been eating really well.
Where are you finding this mother lode of seed?"
"Oh, I just scratch around here and there hoping to find a little something", the well fed bird replied.
"Yeah right," the first bird says,"you've been eating at the James house. That's why you're so fat you can't fly. That's why everyone yells, run for your lives - he's landing. That's why they call you waddle the honkin' Robin!"
This is That . . .
Admitted very bad segue from Big Bird to Big God.
God is not just big; He is huge, massive, preponderant, paramount, all powerful, all glorious, all mighty, all righteous, autonomous, and self sustaining. In summation “God is in the Heavens and whatever He pleases He does.”(Ps.115)
. . .
The glory of the gospel is that we now have access to a very, very big God. We now have the ability to know and love our God free from shame, and damnation. The cross was a means to a greater end; us. Jesus gladly took on the cross, and scorned its shame, for the joy (us being with Him) that was set before Him.
Zach Hensley
Read the whole thing at
This . . .
Here is a quote from some Fox news guy commenting on the Democratic presidential race:
"We know less about what we know than what we don't know".
That . . .

I was filling the birdfeeder that hangs on our back patio and our cat Jasper (better known as Bullwinkle or Jasperado) was watching me. With a smile on his big cat face and his eyes wide open, I could hear him thinking,
"Bird Bait!".
Another thought about the birds. Who fed the birds in the winter before people started feeding them? I guess they just all starved to death back then. I get the feeling that the same birds just keep coming back day after day, it's not like they take turns, or tell the other birds all about it, That's why many of them are so fat.
So one bird was talking to another bird, "Wow, you look like you have been eating really well.
Where are you finding this mother lode of seed?"
"Oh, I just scratch around here and there hoping to find a little something", the well fed bird replied.
"Yeah right," the first bird says,"you've been eating at the James house. That's why you're so fat you can't fly. That's why everyone yells, run for your lives - he's landing. That's why they call you waddle the honkin' Robin!"
This is That . . .
Admitted very bad segue from Big Bird to Big God.
God is not just big; He is huge, massive, preponderant, paramount, all powerful, all glorious, all mighty, all righteous, autonomous, and self sustaining. In summation “God is in the Heavens and whatever He pleases He does.”(Ps.115)
. . .
The glory of the gospel is that we now have access to a very, very big God. We now have the ability to know and love our God free from shame, and damnation. The cross was a means to a greater end; us. Jesus gladly took on the cross, and scorned its shame, for the joy (us being with Him) that was set before Him.
Zach Hensley
Read the whole thing at
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Unity of Believers to Reach the Nations
This . . .
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
That . . .
A historic meeting of international mission leaders and prayer leaders was recently held from Jan. 29- Feb. 1, 2008 in Florida called the Call2All-Orlando. It was historic, because it brought together many powerful mission organizations with an army of intercessors.
Mark Anderson gave leadership to this “by invitation only” gathering which was attended by 600 leaders including the CEOs of 170 of the primary mission organizations in the world along with the leaders of international prayer ministries. Among the 170, were the two largest mission organizations in history, Campus Crusade For Christ and Youth With A Mission. Together these two have 50,000 full time staff members and 500,000 part time staff members.
The purpose of the meeting was to strategize and round table the most efficient way to evangelize the people in all the nations (ethnos groups) of the world who are yet unreached.
To do this they have divided the earth into 4,000 individual sections. Twenty major languages are spoken in these 4,000 sections with 6,000 dialects, and there are 12,000 distinct cultures or ethnic groups. There are 232 nations, but 12,000 ethnic groups, and these are those that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in.
This number of mission ministries has never before come together with this kind of focus, and by working together in unity, under a powerful cover of prayer, they believe that this gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth in from 10 to 20 years.
This is That . . .
The International House Of Prayer in KC is taking leadership to bring all the prayer ministries across the earth together to pray for all these mission groups as they endeavor to preach the gospel to each of these 4,000 sections, 232 nations and 12,000 ethnic groups.
The plan is to encourage every prayer ministry (any group that gathers to pray at least once a week) to do three things.
1. Adopt one (at the most two) missionary groups to pray for. This would be a long time commitment and would not consist of blanket prayers, but would require close communication with the mission ministry to find out what they are doing, where they are going, when things are happening, etc, and covering these efforts in prayer.
2. Adopt no more than three missionaries and pray for them as above.
3. Adopt one of the 4,000 areas, get educated about that area and pray accordingly.
The goal is to bring all of the mission efforts and all of the prayer efforts into unity. Every area covered in prayer and targeted by a mission ministry. Every mission group and every missionary blanketed with prayer by intercessors all over the earth.
What a plan. What a mighty God we serve
God is moving, things are happening, and all at a rapid pace.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and don't blink . . .
or you might miss something.
This . . .
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
That . . .
A historic meeting of international mission leaders and prayer leaders was recently held from Jan. 29- Feb. 1, 2008 in Florida called the Call2All-Orlando. It was historic, because it brought together many powerful mission organizations with an army of intercessors.
Mark Anderson gave leadership to this “by invitation only” gathering which was attended by 600 leaders including the CEOs of 170 of the primary mission organizations in the world along with the leaders of international prayer ministries. Among the 170, were the two largest mission organizations in history, Campus Crusade For Christ and Youth With A Mission. Together these two have 50,000 full time staff members and 500,000 part time staff members.
The purpose of the meeting was to strategize and round table the most efficient way to evangelize the people in all the nations (ethnos groups) of the world who are yet unreached.
To do this they have divided the earth into 4,000 individual sections. Twenty major languages are spoken in these 4,000 sections with 6,000 dialects, and there are 12,000 distinct cultures or ethnic groups. There are 232 nations, but 12,000 ethnic groups, and these are those that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in.
This number of mission ministries has never before come together with this kind of focus, and by working together in unity, under a powerful cover of prayer, they believe that this gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth in from 10 to 20 years.
This is That . . .
The International House Of Prayer in KC is taking leadership to bring all the prayer ministries across the earth together to pray for all these mission groups as they endeavor to preach the gospel to each of these 4,000 sections, 232 nations and 12,000 ethnic groups.
The plan is to encourage every prayer ministry (any group that gathers to pray at least once a week) to do three things.
1. Adopt one (at the most two) missionary groups to pray for. This would be a long time commitment and would not consist of blanket prayers, but would require close communication with the mission ministry to find out what they are doing, where they are going, when things are happening, etc, and covering these efforts in prayer.
2. Adopt no more than three missionaries and pray for them as above.
3. Adopt one of the 4,000 areas, get educated about that area and pray accordingly.
The goal is to bring all of the mission efforts and all of the prayer efforts into unity. Every area covered in prayer and targeted by a mission ministry. Every mission group and every missionary blanketed with prayer by intercessors all over the earth.
What a plan. What a mighty God we serve
God is moving, things are happening, and all at a rapid pace.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and don't blink . . .
or you might miss something.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
"The Call" Superbowl
This . . .
"The Call" Florida - Spectacular.
That . . .
Superbowl XLII Halftime show with Tom Petty - Average.
The fans with lighters in their hands - boring.
This is That . . .
How about this for next year?
Superbowl XLIII Halftime Call with Lou Engle.
Twelve minutes of worship, repentance and rapid fire (short pointed prayers).
It's not a show . . . It's a fast.
Can you imagine a Super Bowl half-time where two or three thousand Intercessors would run on the field to engage with God for twelve minutes in prayer and worship, not with lighters in their hands, but with fire in their hearts? - Not Boring.
Just a word about this years game.
Nobody thought the Giants would win, but they did.
Maybe Huckabee will win too.
"The Call" Florida - Spectacular.
That . . .
Superbowl XLII Halftime show with Tom Petty - Average.
The fans with lighters in their hands - boring.
This is That . . .
How about this for next year?
Superbowl XLIII Halftime Call with Lou Engle.
Twelve minutes of worship, repentance and rapid fire (short pointed prayers).
It's not a show . . . It's a fast.
Can you imagine a Super Bowl half-time where two or three thousand Intercessors would run on the field to engage with God for twelve minutes in prayer and worship, not with lighters in their hands, but with fire in their hearts? - Not Boring.
Just a word about this years game.
Nobody thought the Giants would win, but they did.
Maybe Huckabee will win too.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Join The Army

This . . .
Sound the trumpet.
Answer The Call
Join The Army to Pray for Home and Country.
That . . .
Did anyone tune in to
"The Call Florida" today?
Rappin' the name of Jesus. Lifting Him higher and higher and higher.
Lou Engle is relentless.
An army of intercession is being raised up over the earth.
It is relentless.
Jesus is relentless, He cannot be stopped.
Worship and Intercession coming together to pray for every Mission Organization across the earth so that this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world to every nation, to every region, to every city, to every neighborhood, to every home, to every person.
This is That . . .
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