Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I'm blogging tonight more out of "I feel like I need to" than inspiration. Bummer.
That . . .
Christmas was good. Everything went well except the "Christmas Eve Gift" thing. What was I thinking? I only got three people out of eleven and that counts Elijah and he can't even talk. If you don't know what "Christmas Eve Gift" is all about, check out my daughter Tarah's blog at http://www.proclaimingtruth.blogspot.com/
I have had trouble just really "loving" Christmas the way I used to. Having the family all home is great, the traditions are wonderful (we have some really great family traditions), the food is overwhelmingly delicious, and the gift giving and receiving is fun, but there is always a bit of emptiness when it is all said and done. A kind of "there must be more than this" feeling. Is it just me? or do some of you experience this as well.
This is That . . .
I am looking forward to another year. I want to continue to lean in to God's heart. There is nothing as important as knowing Him.
About 30 years ago, I wrote a song. I was completely sincere when I wrote it, only somewhere along the way I lost my "wholeheartedness". I kind of half gave up on a lot of things . . . not a good thing. Here are the words:
What can I do, to show my love for you?
Where can I go? What can I say?
I love you so, and I want you to know . . .
Wherever you send me, I will go.
That is still my prayer. What can I do? Where can I go? What can I say?
One day, when I see Jesus face to face I would like for Him to say to me, "You are one who loved me. You are one who endured and said yes when I called. You are one that I love".
I'm on my way to the "One Thing" conference is KC tomorrow. I want to come home in a few days being "full of it", having encountered God and having some answers to that song I wrote. Whatever God is doing, I want to be in on it and on the front lines.
If you get God TV, I think they are going to have a live feed of some of the "One Thing" sessions. I know you can watch God TV on the internet at http://www.god.tv/US/
I pray for each of you, "that God would give to you the gift of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus".
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Mom and I were wrapping gifts tonight. She kept saying stuff I have never thought about before. Like: 1. Does this look like the right paper design for this gift? (I always thought the roll with enough paper on it was the right one) 2. Oh, I cut that paper two inches too long, I'll have to trim it. (I didn't think you could have too much. Not enough is a problem, but too much?? Just fold it over and tape it) 3. I don't think this tag looks right (Tag? What's wrong with a majic marker right on the paper?) 4. Here, use some of this gift tissue to make it look pretty. (I like that plastic bubble stuff myself, but I guess tissue paper would work).
That . . .
For a minute today I thought it was Wednesday. Oh, NO . . . I'll never make it. Then I realized there was another day in there. Oh, NO . . . I'll never make it.
This is That . . .
The International House Of Prayer (IHOP) has a New Years conference every year called One Thing. http://www.ihop.org/PaymentGroup/Registration.aspx?payment_group_id=1000000117
This will be my fourth year to attend. I know it's a young peoples conference, but I just try to sneak in when no ones watching. Not really. Usually there are at least two guys there older than me and they fit right in. They are expecting over 10,000 this year. It will begin Thursday and finish up Sunday with a 12 hour solemn assembley ending at midnight - Then a New Years celebration for an hour or so ending at about 1:oo.
It is a very encouraging and challenging way to finish up the year and start a new one. Our whole family will be there this year, plus some other old friends and some new ones too. Check out the above link and then just get in the car and drive . . . you'll be there before you know it.
See you there.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I hear IHOP had a baptism service last night. Or maybe not. I don't know . . . that's just what I keep hearing.
That . . .
I worked all day today and got a whole bunch done, but still have a lot of catching up to do. Thought I might just not take any more pain pills, but then changed my mind and took two.
The good thing is that my gallbladder doesn't hurt. Is anyone headed to LR Tuesday evening? I need to see the doctor on Wednesday and pick up my car and drive it home. I have plenty of places I can stay.
This is That . . .
Intercession takes work. There is so much to pray for and about, and it really matters. It takes time and effort, but prayer really does change things. Just for instance . . . the Bible says that the eyes of unbelievers are blinded from the truth. It is not hard to figure out who or what might be the cause of this blinding. There are many things that keep a person from coming to Christ, like free will, but it certainly doesn't help to be blinded from the truth by satan and/or his demons. Jesus defeated satan on the cross. All authority has been given to Him by the Father. As believers we are sons and daughters and joint heirs with Christ. We have been instructed to cast out demons. We can't do God's part and he won't do ours. I say this Christmas lets enter into warfare for ourselves and our families. It's a little radical to talk to a demon and tell him to get out in Jesus name, but what if there really is a demon, and he really takes a hike! Very Cool!
Try getting away by yourself where no one can hear (alone time in the car is a good place) and use the authority of Jesus to just whack on a few demons. By the way, you don't need to yell, although it's ok if you want to. The power is not in the volume, but in the power of God thru the authority of Jesus. A whisper of faith is all it takes, but if you want to yell . . . ok do that.
Not all problems involve demons, but we know that Satan is busy lying, stealing and attempting to destroy good stuff, because the Bible says so. If you cast a demon out that is not even there, I think God would still be smiling, and if the demon is there, he has to get out because Jesus is your brother and all authority has been given to Him . . . and to us when we declare a thing in His name.
Lets clear the air. We are children of the King.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's a Wonderful Life
That . . .
Is a "wonderful" movie.
This is That . . .
It has been a long time since I really watched this movie from start to finish.
It's important to watch the very beginning, because it begins with a medley of prayers for George Bailey, who is facing his dark night of the soul. George is known in heaven for his many good deeds and acts of kindness and so, in answer to prayer, an angel, "Clarence" is briefed and sent to help George in his time of need. George has his life all planned out and thinks he knows what is best, but needs to find out that God has a better plan. Clarence shows him this by showing what it would have been like if he had never been born.
On a couple of occasions, the narrative says, "He (George) wept and prayed" - Where did that come from? Anyway . . . this is a story of answered prayer; of good deeds done and a merciful God who knows how to reach down and save one that he loves. It is a story of not growing weary of doing good, and knowing that God is a great rewarder of those who love him and follow after his purposes.
Well I don't know why I am doing a book report on this movie . . . you know it as well as I do, I had just forgotten all the "good stuff" in it.
"God, let me live again." and "Atta boy Clarence!"
Now let's all cry and sing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" while Clarence gets his wings!
Oh my goodness - I'm a gonner.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday night -Nathan just brought most of me home from LR.
That . . .
We left my gallbladder and a gallstone bigger than a golf ball at Baptist in Little Rock.
This is That . . .
My doctors name was Osam pronounced Dr. Awsome. How cool is that.
I am tired of thinking about gall bladders, so this is all of that.
Monday, December 11, 2006

Anyone ever have a gall bladder attack or known someone who did? Ouch! Very full of pain. Major no fun. Well, I experienced extreme pain Saturday night - all night. It was 10:00 when it started and I kept thinking this will go away soon. At 11:00 I was quoting scripture, "Joy cometh in the morning. " Looked at the clock, it was 11:02. Then I thought, "His mercies are new every morning." I was thinking, if only I can make it till morning, this will pass. Looked at the clock . . . 11:05. Turn over. Turn over again. Walk to the den, sit in the chair. Walk around, lie down on the couch . . . 11:22. Drink soda water, vomit for a couple of hours - 1:22. Took a hot bath - 4:22. That helped a little. 5:22 another hot bath. Finally 8:00 a.m. I got mom up and she took me to ER. Took quite a while to get a shot in the buttocks - YES! Got home at 10:00. wobbled in to my bed, and slept til 5:00 it was getting dark - the pain was gone. Got up and ate a bowl of soup. Went back to bed at 7:00 and slept til 5:00 a.m. - went to work. WOW, what a night. I got some blood work done today and will get an ultra sound tomorrow. We will see.
That . . .
I hope that wasn't too graphic. There is always "a little humor" in an episode like that . . . after it is over, and keep in mind only a "little" humor.
This is That . . .
One good thing about pain. It feels soooo good when it is gone. Joy did come in the morning. I have never been so happy to have someone stick a needle in my rear end. Maybe a better prayer would have been for wisdom to get to the ER much sooner. God IS good. His mercies ARE new every morning. He loves me no matter what, and I love Him.
A friend emailed me from Texas today. She said she woke up Sunday morning just thinking about me. She wrote a very encouraging word, not knowing what I was going thru. Like I said . . . God is good.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
. . . is a lazy way of blogging.
That . . .
Just redirecting you to a good spot.
The Blanc Spot.
The Fight Spot.
The Fighting To Stay Awake Spot.
Shawn Blanc continually has a worthwhile blog . . . I tune in daily and I was pleased to see that he included some of my thoughts in a recent post.
This is That . . .
Sit here for a while and ponder. I encourage you to set this one as a favorite.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I met "Tami" at IHOP (International House Of Prayer) just one time thru my daughter, Tarah in Kansas City.
That . . .
I don't know Tami at all, but this is a really good post.
This is That . . .
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
We have a fairly large, lighted nativity scene in our front yard. Our neighbor said she was out with her dog about 11:00 last night and saw a deer standing by the stable with the other animals.
Jesus didn't seem to mind.
That . . .
Taylor and I climbed up into the Methodist Church bell tower tonight, to try and take pictures of the Christmas Parade in the dark. It is a rather treacherous and un-nerving climb straight up a pipe rung ladder to the top and the actual climb while carrying a flashlight, camera bag and tripod became "the event" rather than the parade. A look over one of the sides is a long way to the bottom, and as I say, "Makes my groin hurt".
I couldn't help but think of the words of Jesus . . . Low, I am with you always . . . Yikes!
When we got down, and outside, Taylor said he was going to just walk home and enjoy having both feet in contact with the ground.
This is That . . .
Sometimes I just sit in silence before God and attempt to hear what it is He would like to say to me. In times past, I have often avoided doing this because I already knew what he was saying and I didn't want to hear it. Now, I long to live in obedience, because I know that hungering after righteouseness is a key to having God draw near. Even if I fall short, I know God is pleased with the yes in my spirit.
I enjoy sitting in His presence even if neither one of us says anything. There is a certain dimension of excitement involved in drawing near to God. I think it was Lucy who said to Aslan, "He is not safe, but He is good". He's a billion volts and I'm just 110 or maybe just a single AAA battery. My Heavenly Father created the universe . . . Big Stuff! Yet, He thinks of me. He loves me, He has plans to partner with me and to be with me.
And so I say, "God, I desire your presence. I ask that you would draw near and manifest your presence to me. But be gentle . . . for you are great and terribly wonderful while I am quite small, and only desiring to be with you, to hear your voice, and to be more and more like you. One more thing God, in light of your great power and majesty, I am so thankful that you are GOOD."
Hey Curt, thanks for commenting. See you Sunday.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Elijah's Birthday
My son Nathan and his wife Amy had a great birthday celebration for their son Elijah's first birthday this weekend. All of Nathan's immediate family (9) and Amy's (11) were on hand for lunch before the real party at 2:00. Nathan and Amy wanted Eli to open a special present while all of our families were there and before all the others arrived.
That . . .
The gift was just a t-shirt.
This is That . . .
The front of the t-shirt said , "Vote Eli, for best big brother".
The back said, "Available for office July 2007".
What a way to spring the good news to all 20 family members at one time!
Eli is no longer the best grandchild ever . . . He is just one of the best.
I love Nathan. I love Amy. And I love both of my grandchildren.
Two more kids of the Kingdom! I'm callin' em in.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Another Thanksgiving has come and has now went. It was a good day. I mowed the front yard this morning. After one pass, the riding mower let out a loud excruciating groan and then died. It didn't sound good. It is kind of sad to think it may have mowed it's last. All the neighbors were gone today, but there was plenty of family here to help push the mower up the hill to it's resting place. After a moment of silence, we went inside and ate turkey.
That . . .
We put up "The" Nativity Scene today as well. The main crew consisted of Nathan, Elliott, my brother-in-law Brian, and myself. Taylor was cooking the turkey, my sister Jeanette was helping mom cook the best Thanksgiving Day Dinner ever, Tarah was holding Elijah and helping to properly align the nativity characters, while Amy and Lee Ann caught a nap. The stable was put up with care, the camels, wisemen, sheep and shepherds all looked just right in their places and Mary and Joseph were stategically placed with an angel looking on and the "Star" giving it's light. There was only one problem. The baby Jesus seemed to be a little too far back in the stable. Think about that for a minute. Everyone and everything placed just right, but Jesus too far in the background.
This is That . . .
Tomorrow we are all heading for Little Rock to watch the Razorback game at Nathan and Amy's - "Go, Hogs!" Then tomorrow night is "Fire in the Night" . . . a prayer meeting from 10:00 p.m. til ? at Journey in LR. Saturday is my grandson Elijah's Birthday bash - again at Nathan and Amy's. I think all of the relatives from both sides of the family will be there to celebrate Eli's first birthday, so I am going to try and behave myself.
Right now, bed sounds really good . . . thank you, Jesus, for a blessed day . . . later.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Take my heart . . . and come consume it.
Take my life and come and ruin it . . . with love.
To you, oh Lord, I lift up my soul, just as I am.
I come to you and in you I place my trust.
You are the one true God - There is no other.
The only one who really, really knows me.
Take my heart into your hands and make it . . . yours alone.
I put my trust in you and I will not be put to shame.
No one . . . who waits on you . . . will ever be put to shame.
I will wait.
I want to be free - from everything - that keeps me - from loving you.
Whatever it takes - take it away - all that hinders love.
Show me your way, teach me your path;
Lead me in truth . . . I will follow you.
Steadfast, Steadfast, Steadfast, Steadfast.
Allure me with your love . . . I will follow you where ever you lead.
Show me the way, I am a lover of the day;
A seeker of the way, a lover of truth.
Your eyes are Radiating, Radiating, Radiating.
Guide me with your eyes. Guide me with your light.
This is the way - show me; This is the path to life.
Guide me with your eyes.
Open up my eyes, the eye of my understanding.
I cannot find my way alone.
You are the keeper, the keeper of the flame;
You are the shepherd, the shepherd of my heart.
Show me your way, teach me your path.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Did you know that today is the 50th Anniversary of Spam? You know, the canned meat people. I understand that they are really celebrating in a big way by making another batch.
That . . .
I grew up in Colby, Kansas, a small western Kansas town on Interstate 70 about 50 miles from the Colorado line. You probably stopped by or drove right past on your way to Colorado some time or another.
Back in about 1960, the new "Colby Community Building" was the talk of Western Kansas. It had a fabulous basketball court with seating for about 1,500 people. It was a great thing for Colby High School to play their basketball games there. In the beginning, as each traveling basketball team would walk out onto that court for the first time, their eyes would pop and their jaws would drop just at the sight.
After football, there were two sports to choose from for Colby sports enthusiasts, basketball and wrestling. I played basketball, but really enjoyed going to wrestling matches - great sport and fun to watch. Colby was primarily a basketball town, but some towns in our league held wrestling at the highest esteem. St. Francis was such a town. To play on the St. Francis basketball team was cool, but to be on the St. Francis wrestling team was WAY cool.
Back to the Community Building. My dad owned the "Prairie Drummer" newspaper in Colby. He sold the advertising, wrote the news, took the pictures, set the type, drove to have the paper printed, hand addressed each paper, and took it to the post office to be mailed. As these basketball teams came to the Community Building for the first time, he liked to be there to take a picture and take down a quote or two. So it was when the St. Francis basketball team walked on the court for the first time. As always, everyone was wide eyed as they walked in while turning around at the same time, trying to take it all in. No one said anything for awhile, but just stood aghast. Then finally one of their star basketball players finally spoke. "Wow!" he said, "How would you like to wrestle here!"
This is That . . .
I went to the Arkansas - Tennessee football game last week in Fayetteville. The town was all a buzz. Red everywhere and hog calls near and far. It is always a bit overwhelming to walk in to a stadium of 70,000 screaming people. I couldn't help but think that God knew each one there before they were in their mother's womb . . .the two drunk guys I was sitting by and even the one person who was sitting up in the very corner of the upper deck which was outside the lighted part of the stadium. I really was excited about the game, but here is what I was thinking. "Wow, what would it be like to worship here!"
I believe that a time of "Stadium Christianity" is coming. A time when God rends the heavens and comes down and the response is so great that the only place large enough to accomodate is in a place like Razorback Stadium. Radical worship! Preaching with great power to transform lives! Prophetic singers and dancers as in the courts of David! No disease known to man will stand! Many believers will remain outside to leave room on the inside for unbelievers and the sick! And then revival will break out on the outside of the stadium as well! And all glory and honor will be given to Jesus!
Could this happen? Could an end time revival lead us to a place of such a scene? I believe that it could and that such a time as this is coming. It is worth praying for . . . for sure.
Have a great Thanksgiving . . . celebrate by eating a can of spam out of the new batch.
And if you don't know Jesus - "Today is the day of salvation".
Monday, November 13, 2006
So what are you going to get your Dad for Christmas?
That . . .
I miss my Dad. I miss all the trouble he could get into by standing up for things he believed. I miss his friendship, his wisdom, his encouragement, his Christian witness, his humor, the tear that could often be found in his eye, his handshake, his hug, and his love.
This is That . . .
My Dad, William Ezra Theron James better known as W. T. James, was a writer. I ran across this essay of sorts the other night, and just wanted to share it. Dad would have loved this blogging stuff, particularly if he could have done it on his old manual typewriter.
The first time I went to church, I was 19 years old. My family had never gone to church when I was a boy, growing up in the Ozarks of north Arkansas, and in Lawrence, Kansas, where we moved in 1932. It wasn't until I was in the Navy, stationed in Hawaii that a friend talked me into going to the Catholic church with him. At that time most of the Catholic service was in Latin, and the whole thing was Greek to me.
The next time I attended church was after I married Arlene. I went a couple of times, but didn't like it because they wouldn't let me smoke during the service. It was asking too much of me to go without a cigarette the whole hour, and I felt silly going out for a smoke during the service.
So I started staying home. Arlene continued to go, and after we had our two children, she took them with her. That was great with me. because that gave me almost the whole morning to myself. I'd loaf around the house, and if I had had a bad night the night before, I'd go ahead and have a couple of drinks to sober up on without any fuss from Arlene.
Then Jerry spoiled it all for me. He got wise to the fact that I wasn't going to Sunday School and church, so why should he? He made such a fuss about it, that I finally said, "Why make him go to church if he doesn't want to. I know the Bible says, 'suffer, little children, come unto me!' but that doesn't mean that he has to . . . suffer, that is."
So Jerry stayed home with me and we let the women go to Sunday School and church. We had a great time! Until the next week. I mean a cold front moved into our house. Arlene couldn't get it off her mind. That's all we talked about all week long. By the next Sunday, I was ready to go to Sunday School and church. Arlene had had her fill of all that nonsense!
So I started going to Sunday School and church, and after a couple of months the preacher got after me, and before I knew what was happening, I was scheduled to join the Colby United Methodist Church. Jerry who was 7, our daughter Jeanette who was 10, and I were all baptized one Saturday afternoon, and I joined the church the next Sunday.
Immediately I began to work my way into Heaven! I took every job they asked me to the next six years. I was a Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, then I moved up to vice-president of the Administrative Board, and chairman of the Evangelism Committee.
As chairman of the Evangelism Committee, I helped organize a five day revival with an evangelist from Dallas, Texas. ON THE LAST DAY OF THE REVIVAL, I WAS SAVED! What a night that was! Back in those days I never did anything halfway, and being saved was no different. I bawled all the way to the altar, flung myself on my knees, and continued to cry. I had a lifetime of sins to repent of, and the only way I knew to do it was to bawl my eyes out. The preacher asked me what I had on my mind, and that really set me off! I think I scared the people of that church half to death! I don't think they had ever seen a man get saved quite the way I did!
My entire life was changed. I became a FAMILY MAN, written in all caps! About this time Jerry was in junior high, playing football and basketball. We had always had a good relationship, but the more he got involved in sports, the more we had to talk about. Jerry only played football one season before he broke a finger. After that, it was basketball, track and cross country.
At the time I was saved, Jerry was in the 7th grade, playing football and basketball. He had a very nervous stomach, and on game days, he would always throw-up at the beginning of first period. He was reluctant to tell the teacher he was sick, because they might not let him play that day. So he would keep it to himself and hang on as long as he could and then . . . throw-up.
This went on until he was in the 8th grade. The kids in his first hour class would not sit near him, and the teacher continually would say, "Jerry, if you get to feeling sick, please leave the room. Do NOT throw-up in here!" Jerry would assure the teacher that he was feeling fine, then ten minutes later would lean over and throw up on the floor. He didn't break any distance records, but he was very consistant.
Before every game, he would throw-up during first period. You can imagine that he was very embarrassed about it. He would never eat breakfast with us on game day, but would be off by himself. It was very nice out this one morning, so we had the back door open while we ate breakfast. I could look outside on the back porch and see Jerry hunched over with his head in his hands, looking very dejected. I went out and asked him what was worrying him. "I hate throwing up in school," he said. "But I really want to play in the game."
It was silent for a moment and then I asked, "Do you want to pray about it?" His eyes lightened up and he said, "Yes!" Well we did. And let me tell you, the morning sun turned especially bright, as I watched him walk off to school with a peace in his heart and a bounce in his step!
I love you, Dad.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I believe praise is given to God for what He has done, is doing, and is going to do.
I praise Him for creation; for His mighty acts of deliverance; for healing; for provision; for protection; for His love, mercy and kindness; for His plan of salvation; for His son Jesus and His blood that was shed; for the good plans He has for me; and more.
That . . .
I believe we worship God for WHO He is. He is good; He is holy (completely other than), He is love; He is merciful; He is sovereign; He is righteous in His leadership and judgements; He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; He is worthy; He is God.
This is That . . .
God calls us to endure because our relationship with Him is ongoing. We are to knock and keep knocking. We are to ask and keep asking. We are to seek and keep seeking. It is not like a one time purchase of bread and wine, but a continual pursuit of a loving relationship with Him. We sign up, and then fall short, so we sign up again, and again, and again. This is endurance. When trouble comes, we run to Him and not away from Him. We put a big YES in our spirit and say no matter what God, I want to be with you and not against you. I will not turn aside or turn back, but I will press in, I will press on. As we draw near, He draws near. Step after step, He guides us. This is not about works, but about our hearts being ever drawn to Him in love.
He who endures to the end, will be saved.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I used to cut Taylor and Elliott's hair with a Flow-Bee. I don't think Nathan ever had the pleasure. This is the cutter that hooks up to a vacuum cleaner. It sucks your hair up, cuts it off even and then whisks the trimmings off to the vacuum dirt bag. I had such authority back in those days that they actually let me do this to them even while all the animals were running away. I got it down out of the attic today and gave myself a haircut. The animals still ran.
That . . .
I went to the Revival Center Church here in Monticello to take pictures at their pastor and his wife's appreciation Banquet. Everyone kept asking me where I got my hair cut. When I told them that I cut it myself, they would tilt their heads a bit and roll their eyes a little and say, "Oh, really". Actually no one commented on my hair, they were way to kind. I enjoyed the afternoon, being able to sit in on a congregation and see a bit of their hearts. They were full of praise and love for the Lord and honored their pastor, his wife and three kids with genuine love and respect. Several spoke, all good. The pastor's nine year old daughter did an interpretive dance that was just really, really good. A couple of men did the same. Several sang - WOW! And then a pastor from Memphis preached a short message. It was powerful and very skillfully delivered. I left wondering why black people and white people have such a hard time coming together under the Kingship of Jesus.
A time of unity IS coming. The bride of Christ will be in unity, without spot or blemish when our Bridegroom comes.
Oh, how He loves you and me - us and them. Come, Lord Jesus.
This is That . . .
Three words caught my attention as I listened today. I have a bit of an idea what they mean to me, but I would like to hear what they mean to you. Here are the three words: Praise, Worship and Endure. What is the difference between praise and worship and what is God's word saying to us when it often encourages us to "endure"?
Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Twig Lives
This . . .
Don't ever give up on a twig. If you think there is no hope - that the branch is gone - that surely chopping, tossing and burning has taken place - that the "fat branchey" is singing . . . think again!
It turns out that "the branch" in the neighbors yard was not annialated as I thought, but only moved to another spot in the yard, namely the "in progress flower garden" right in front of the house, where it is easily seen every time I drive up the driveway. Somehow, seeing this small branch again, has caused my hope to be renewed.
So the saga continues. What will happen to this seemingly insignificant piece of fallen tree?
I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, never give up . . . things are not always as they seem.
That . . .
I mowed the yard today. It started out without incident, but got more exciting towards the end.
At first, there were no neighbors in site. As I was mowing, I was thinking, "how could this mow job be worthy of blog?"
Then the mother and two dogs came out of the neighbors house. I was dissapointed that the others remained inside, not thinking it was worth it to venture out. (Their loss.) The mom seemed to be totally ignoring me, but the two dogs were watching my every move with tails wagging in eager anticipation.
The weather was pretty nice, with only a couple of non-threatening clouds.
Then it happened. As I came around the house, and towards the front yard, out of the sky, a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and struck a tree just as I mowed past. The flash was blinding and the sound deafening. My every hair stood on end - literally. Of course the dogs went absolutely biserck as I jumped off of the mower screaming, "I've been hit!"
NO WAY! You might say.
And you would be right. I just made that all up. But wouldn't it have been cool if it had really happened that way?
This is That . . .
I am looking forward to church tomorrow. It is always a great blessing to meet with like-minded believers and go hard after the things of God with wholeheartedness. While private Bible study, prayer and worship are certainly beneficial, there is something special about sharing in all of those things with others.
I heard a good definition of worship this week. Here it is.
"Worship is anything you do to love God back".
So . . . I encourage you to "love Him back" in church tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
My neighbors hired a whole crew to manicure their lawn today. There were at least three men yielding mowers, weedeaters, bushtrimmers and blowers. Somewhere in the mix, "the branch" got carried off to twig heaven. I was really sad to see it go. I can't describe the way I strangely miss it . . . life is hard.
That . . . has no social redeeming value.
This is That . . .
What an enjoyable time I had this evening. Shared a meal with a friend and solved all of the world's problems.
Well maybe not "all" of the world's problems, but at least some of "our" problems.
Or maybe it was just "his problems". Wait a minute, he doesn't have any problems.
OK, maybe it was my problems, but I'm not sure that we solved anything.
For sure we talked about Jesus and considered many things about "The Kingdom" - past, present and future.
I came away encouraged, and ready to press in another day.
Friends are a good thing.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This . . .
My neighbors have a tree limb in their yard. It might be more accurate to say a branch leaning toward a twig. My mom could easily pick it up.
The reason it is interesting is . . . that it has been there for about six weeks. The neighbors yard is neatly mowed and landscaped. The branch is easily seen from our kitchen sink window, so we see it and think of it often. When the person they hire, mows their yard, he always just moves the branch over a little and mows around it. I am interested to see whether it ever gets picked up and carried off, or just shrivels up and disintegrates. I think I'll put a nice red ribbon on it.
That . . .
Holy Moley, Batman!
This is That . . .
Take a moment to meditate on the word "Holy". What does that word mean? Can we choose to be holy? What makes something holy? What makes a place holy? What makes a people holy? How do you keep a day holy? Can we be holy like God is holy?
Exodus 20:8
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Leviticus 19:2
You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.
Deuteronomy 14:2
For you are a holy people to the LORD your God
I Samuel 2:2
No one is holy like the LORD
Isaiah 6:3
And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!"
Habakkuk 2:20
But the LORD is in His holy temple.
I Peter 1:15
but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct
I Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation
Revelation 4:8
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”
Three strikes and your out. Three holies, and your God. (I don't have a clue what that means, I just thought it and typed it).
The Bible talks about the Holy Spirit, a holy thing, a holy day, a holy offering, holy garments, a holy place, a tithe that is holy to the Lord, holy water, a holy congregation, the Most Holy Place, the Holy One of Israel, His holy name, the holy hill of Zion, the Holy City, holy angels, a holy kiss, and alot more holies.
Holy Cow!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A little boy was watching his mother put cold cream on her face.
"Mommy, why are you putting that stuff on your face?", he asked.
"To make myself beautiful", she replied.
The little boy continued to watch and soon his mother began to take off the cold cream.
"Did you give up, mommy?
That . . .
I got a "Holiday Greeting Card" catalog in the mail today. Out of around 300 choices, the word Christmas was used about twice and a manger scene maybe three times. There was one with a scripture verse on the front.
I googled "Christmas Cards" and found the top site offered about the same. One of the cards was labeled, "Christian Christmas Card". That is pathetic. Thankfully they didn't have any "Mooney Christmas Cards".
I am not going to belabor this, but may I suggest . . . if you are a Christian, and you send out Christmas cards, make it a card that will serve as a witness to what you believe about Jesus.
This is That . . .
Why are we so afraid of offending someone by saying to them, "Jesus is the only way to heaven". It seems harsh to say, "Unless you receive Jesus as your saviour, you will go to hell when you die". I fear that we often let our brains fall out in the name of being open minded.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me". It is important for believers to boldly procaim the truth. Maybe imparative would be a better word.
I have said before that it is going to get harder and harder to sit on a fence and be lukewarm. If we cannot boldly confess Christ in our present "relatively unthreatening" circumstances, how do you think we might do in the face of much higher stakes? The good thing is, I think we will do better than we think.
Now I am sitting here wondering whether or not I should click the publish button. Sometimes I offend myself, but I guess that is ok.
Saturday, October 07, 2006

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant walked by, grunting as he carried a plump kernel of corn.
"Where are you off to with that heavy thing?" asked the Grasshopper.
Without stopping, the Ant replied, "To our ant hill. This is the third kernel I've delivered today."
"Why not come and sing with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of working so hard?" "I am helping to store food for the winter," said the Ant, "and think you should do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "we have plenty of food right now."
But the Ant went on its way and continued its work.The weather soon turned cold. All the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow that even the grasshopper could not dig through. Soon the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger.
He staggered to the ants' hill and saw them handing out corn from the stores they had collected in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper knew:
It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
That . . . The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
Matthew 25
1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,
4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’
7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’
12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.
This is That . . . Selah
WOW! Pigs Won.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

That . . .
The nation of Israel failed in it's covenant relationship with the Lord and was scattered over many nations. The gentile church in history also failed and was scattered into thousands of denominations. Just as Israel has been re-gathering to it's inheritance in the natural, there is a spiritual re-gathering of the church to it's spiritual inheritance.
Rick Joiner
Romans 11
25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
This is That . . .
The Jews returned to their land in 1948 and reclaimed Jerusalem and became the "Nation of Israel" again in 1967. They are beginning to understand that the only true friends they have on this earth are the Christians. They are regaining their sight. God is calling us to stand with his chosen people thru much trouble which lies ahead. When the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, all Israel will be saved. Then the Jews and the Gentiles will come together in unity and Jesus' prayer will be answered . . . "Father make them one as we are one."
Sounds as unlikely as a mother tiger mothering a litter of pigs.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Why is it so easy to get a rock in your sandal, but so hard to get it out?
That . . .
No matter what kind of cards you are dealt in life, you musn't assume the victory is won or lost, for unseen things can cause defeat when victory seems sure or victory when defeat seems imminent. You may hold the A, K, Q, J, and 10 of hearts, or a pair of two's, a six, and a joker, but there is pride right before a fall and/or His mercies are new every morning.
In light of great cards, we must remain humble, display meekness and retain a poor spirit or in other words, know our need of God . . . or the house of cards we are standing on may come tumbling down.
When we are dealt really bad cards, we must lean not to our own understanding, but trust in God in all our ways and He will guide our paths. Believe God's word, trust His promises and know that His plans for us are good.
Rash Hashanah (The Jewish New Year) was Saturday and Sunday, September 23 & 24.
Yom Kippur is tomorrow, Monday, October 2.
Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) begins on Saturday, October 7 and ends on Sunday, October 15.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I mowed the yard again today. The neighbors, their two kids, and the two dogs were all on the sideline watching. This time they pulled up chairs and had popcorn. I had another event free mow job. Didn't fall off or anything. Of course I was using the push mower, but still, anytime you don't fall off - that's a good thing. I am concerned that I'm going to lose the neighbors interest. Next time I might have to throw-up or something, just to keep things interesting.
That . . .
I was paying bills the other day (oh, boy) and I noticed that up in the right-hand corner of one of the return envelopes it said,"Post office will not deliver mail without postage". I was shocked! Unbelievable! If I understand it correctly they are saying we have to pay or they will not deliver the mail! I am so glad they informed me of this . . . I had no idea that postage was required.
This is That . . .
(some time after this and that, not particularly a smooth segway)
I don't want my heart to be asleep. I don't want to sleep walk thru the days. Wake me up God. Awaken your Spirit within me. Slap me if you need to . . . Just slap me whenever. Get my attention. I thank you that you refuse to let me go in the wrong direction. You desire my attention. I want to do what you want, go where you want, but I desire to love you first - I long to know you. Awaken me God. Don't let me be infatuated with this or that . . . only with you.
I'm going to sleep now. Just one more thing . . .
JESUS, I love you.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Do you have a cat? Did you ask for it or did it ask for you? If so, what is its name and does it have a brain?
Just wondering.
One more most important thing . . . Happy Birthday, Elliott!
Sorry no one called.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
We have a new cat - Jasper. He showed up at our door begging for food. I told my mom, "If you want another cat, feed it. If not, don't". We have a new cat.
That . . .
Read a good quote by Yogi Bera on another blog.
"I never would have seen it if I hadn't believed it."
The word of God - read it, believe it, meditate on it, pray it, sing it, speak it . . . PROPHESY!
I believe God is calling us to a higher level. At the same time, sin on the earth is increasing and will continue to fullness. We live in a unique time. As the good gets better and the bad gets worse there will be less and less space in the middle. The whole thing of no visible difference between believers and unbelievers is going to change. I believe that this will be accomplished by the soveriegn plan of God, but also by the individual choices we make as He calls us to be a holy people. It is going to get more and more difficult to sit on the fence. Choose you this day who you will serve. This is no time for fooling around. If you are sliding downhill, dig your heels in and stop, repent and make a decision to take steps in the direction of holiness. God is very merciful, very kind and full of love. He loves us . . . even in our weakness.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
OK, I have been away for a few days, but I'm back and still no one has told me how many joints they have in their toes. I'm guessing you peeked and still didn't know and are just ashamed of your toe ignorance . . . or more likely - you just really don't care. Nothing worse than toe apathy.
That . . .
IHOP had a great anniversary for 7 years of 24/7 worship and intercession. I loved being there and hearing all about the beginnings. Great stories of keeping the fire of intercession burning. They knew that it would be small, hard and ugly, but very pleasing to God. Some really funny stuff happened from worship leaders throwing-up between songs to playing guitars with gloves on because of two weeks without electricty in sub-freezing weather.
This is That . . .
It is not easy to pray. That is the stumbling block of answering a call for believers to pray. We are willing to read books on prayer, have discussions about prayer and talk about how important prayer is, but still not ever pray. Now I know "we pray", but for the most part it is just not what it should be. Prayer is not about us getting God's attention. You know, coming up with the right scripture and the right words so God will finally get up and do something. NO. It is about God getting our attention, and filling our spirits with His word, His will, His desires, so that His love moves us and our love moves Him.
So what are we to do?
Easy answer . . . PRAY.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Promise not to peek. In this case that means to not look at your feet. Now tell me, not counting the joints that connect your toes to your feet - what is the total number of joints in all of your toes?
That . . .
Misty Edwards leads a two hour worship set at the international house of prayer each Tuesday night from 10:00 til midnight. Each time I tune in I am greatly encouraged and glad that I took time to enter in to worship and seek the heart of God. I am going to tune in tonight and just blog whatever comes to mind. Maybe some of the scripture that is read, maybe some words of a song or two, maybe I don't know . . . just whatever.
This is That . . .
Oh, how I need you. I cannot make it without you. How can I live without you?
Oh God you said if anyone is thirsty, if anyone believes, if anyone will come . . . your love would flow like a river . . .
Anybody thirsty, anybody thirsty - come. My arms are wide open, my heart is laid bear for you to come and drink. Come to me if you are thirsty, if you are weary, if your heart is broken, come to me and your heart will never die, come to me and your heart will live.
Yes Lord, I am thirsty - come Holy Spirit - open up my eyes. Tell me what He's feeling what He's thinking what He's planning what He's dreamin'g - open up my eyes. My mind is racing. My thoughts are wandering. Be still oh my soul and listen to what the Spirit is saying.
Hush. Hear the whisper of His voice. Be quiet . . . listen . . . hush . . . listen. . . Listen to what the Spirit is saying. Hush, hush, listen. Can you hear His heartbeat? . . . . . .
I desire your love - I long for you - for your love - but I cannot, I will not violate your free will. You must come and drink - you must come. I long to come to you, I will come to you . . . Come and drink. Are you thirsty? Draw near and I will draw near.
All the prayer teams are great, but I especially enjoy Misty's sets. Tuesday nights from 10:00 til midnight and Friday nights from 10:00 til midnight.
At the bottom of the page click "login"
User Name: jqpjames / Password: jqp123
Under the media tab, click watch and then prayer room webcast.
"Click Here" and you are in the prayer room 24/7 .
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
What are smithereens? I have always heard of something being blown up into smithereens, but I've never seen one. Or two.
That . . .
Here is another one. What is a codger? As in, "He's just an old codger". Do you have to be old to be a codger, or are there young codgers too. I think a codger is a man. What if you have all the characteristics of being a codger, but you are female . . . what are you called then.
Life is hard.
This is That . . .
I have been troubled by something Jeff blogged about recently. He was talking about how little difference there is between believers and non-believers.
" . . . in poll after poll, researchers are discovering that the behavior of those claiming to be Christian in America is no different from those outside the church. In the areas of divorce, materialism and the poor, sexual misconduct, racism, and physical abuse in marriage (need we go further?), he cites results that show no significant statistical differences between nominal Christians and larger society. Ouch. In fact, in the Bible Belt some of the "statistics were actually higher among "Christians." From Jeffs Blog.
This is not ok.
Jesus . . . impower us to be salt & light. Lord God we want to be part of the answer, not the problem. I pray that when people encounter us as believers, it would cause them to give glory to you. Let our lives be a "good witness" to all we encounter. Show us your love God, and let us love that way too. Show us your desires, and let those be our desires too. Show us your glory, and let your glory be evident in us. Forgive us Lord for blending in . . . for sitting when we should stand . . . for being silent when you have something for us to say. Change us Lord, for we are not all we should be. Jesus, guide us, we want to follow.
Let's Stand
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I went to the Monticello Billie football game last night to video. So that's what I did for the first half. Jim Carmical who played for the Billies last year was back from Mississippi State to watch the game. He wanted to video the second half for me so he could get down on the field and smell the players. Some people really like the smell of sweaty young football players. Anyway, he videoed the second half and I sat in the stands and watched the game, the crickets and the grasshoppers. When crickets and grasshoppers fly they are completely out of control. They crash land every time, just smashing into the seats or whatever. It's like they don't know where they are going, how to get there, or how to land when they DO get there. I don't want to be like that. I do want to fly, but I want to know where I am going and I want to make a smooth landing when I get there.
We were ahead 21 to 0 so I was fairly board and found myself watching the clock and wishing it would hurry up so I could go on home. Jim was having way too much fun on the sideline to think of my leaving early and spoiling his enjoyment. This all made me think of watching girls basketball games with Elliott. I used to tell him that a full minute never ran off the clock all at once, because of countless infractions. 5 seconds - ball out of bounds. 15 seconds - walking. 10 seconds - foul. We would get so excited if they made it to 30 seconds. I think the record was 46 seconds. That was when the referees got so fed up they just quit calling stuff, but then this one girl got the other girl down and was really pounding her, so they just had to call a foul - 46 seconds.
That . . .
I watched"Edward Scissorhands" yesterday. I hadn't ever seen it before. I mainly just wanted to see what Johnny Depp looked like before he became a pirate. It was fairly entertaining all the way thru til the end. What a stupid ending! This is fiction - the writer could end it any way they wanted and this is what they decided on? NOT GOOD. Let me suggest another ending. The girl always proclaiming Edward to be the devil, actually accepts Christ and becomes a wholehearted believer. Then she begins to share Christ with the whole neighborhood and one by one they all are radically and soundly saved and begin to redecorate their houses inside and out. The daughter girl gets saved and invites Edward to a healing service where he recieves brand new hands, but keeps all his cool trimming talent. The guy that fell thru the window and died is resurrected from the dead which causes full scale revival to break out. Then Edward marries the girl in a great castle ceremony (I would be the photographer and Taylor could video) and they live happily ever after - for all eternity. Cool ending.
This is That . . .
There is a missions base in Kansas City called the International House Of Prayer (IHOP). On September 19, 1999 they began 24/7 praise, worship and intercession. They have not stopped, and their mandate is to continue until Jesus comes. There are about 400 full time intercessors. They consider themselves to be prayer missionaries, praying for revival, peace in Jerusalem, for Jesus to return, for hearts to be set on fire for Christ, etc, etc. Each worship team has singers, guitar players, keyboard players, drummers, etc. There is a reader who reads God's word and then the singers will sing the word back to God as worship and intercession. That is called "Harp and Bowl". They also sing all manner of worship songs. Each set lasts two hours and then another team steps in and takes over without the worship ever stopping. As I am here and you are there, they are in the prayer room keeping the prayer furnace burning. It is a powerful place of encountering God's heart.
At the bottom of the page click "login"
User Name: jqpjames
Password: jqp123
Under the media tab, click watch and then prayer room webcast.
"Click Here" and you are in the prayer room 24/7
Banjo says, "Hi".
Put Cat says, "Get Lost".
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I was mowing the yard this evening on my riding mower. The front yard has a few steep places in it and one cliff. I managed to get my vertical a little to horizontal and rolled the mower over. The last time I had battery issues, I disconnected the switch that automatically turns the mower off if you come out of the seat. Not wanting a running mower to wind up on top of me, I jumped and rolled about three times to get out of the way of the mower which ended up upside down and still running with smoke from the oil billowing out everywhere signaling our new neighbors who were out in the yard with their kids and dogs that they had moved in next to an idiot.
That . . .
I turned the mower off and managed to get it turned back upright as the new neighbors came over to meet me saying, "Are you alright?" which translates, are you stupid?
I answered, "Yes, I'm ok" which translates, yes, you have a stupid neighbor. Glad to meet you, welcome to the neighborhood.
This is that . . .
I am sure that there is a lesson to be learned . . . something God would like to teach me from this episode of rolling in the grass with my mower. So far I have had no revelation knowledge spring up in my spirit. So help me out. What is the meaning of this real life parable?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Sometimes I feel like a nut . . . You know, a radical believer in Jesus. Gun ho, wholehearted, Devil come out or I'm coming in after you, faster than a fiery dart, able to leap tall obsticals with a single prayer, full of love for Jesus, confident in his love for me, single minded, focused on the heart of God, eagerly pursuing all of his purposes, the fullness of his love overflowing into the lives of everyone I meet, radically in love with Jesus.
That . . .
Sometimes I don't.
Jesus - don't let me drift too far. Keep me where you are. Where I will always be with you.
Truth is an arrow and the gate it is narrow - that it passes thru.
(Bob Dylan}
When you seem so far away, still I'm here to say, I am yours Lord. I am yours.
Have your way Lord, have your way.
This is that . . .
My son Elliott is a nut today. I pray that he will always be one.
Elliott - take up your harpoon, seek and destroy that which is lost, and giggle away as you run into the forest. I love you.
Monday, July 17, 2006
I tried to make an entry earlier and was totally uninspired. Then I went to bed and read the 4th chapter of James (a distant relative) and began to pray and meditate. Then I couldn't sleep because of what I saw in the scripture. Now I'm up blogging.
That . . .
If God's not happy and you don't know it, pray that the Holy Spirit will slap you upside the head and wake you up.
If God's isn't smiling and you know it, you will be REALLY miserable and that's a good thing.
This is That . . .
So what makes God smile?
Submit yourself unto God.
God, I am yours. Take me like silly putty without the silly and form me in your hands. Like a really soft pillow, shape me just right so that we can both snuggle and be really comfortable together. Jesus . . . I am yours.
Resist the devil.
Lord God, I push aside everything that hinders your love. Show me what it is God.
a. _________________________
I'm not sidin' up with anyone or anything that pulls me away from you.
Draw near to God.
Show me your heart God. Show me what is important to you, what you are doing. What areas of obedience are you drawing me to?
a. _________________________
According to your word Abba Father, I submit myself to you, I resist evil, and I draw near.
Thank you for instilling your word in my heart.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This . . .
If you get water in your ears, what is the best way to get it out?
That . . .
A problem with rice crispies and cheerios is that when you put the milk on, the cereal spills over the side of the bowl. Easy solution: Put the milk in first then put in the cereal. This keeps the cereal in the bowl and also keeps the cereal crunchy longer.
There was a time when I was a Cheerios junkie. Just had to have 'em. One night I was all set for a big bowl, when I realized there was no milk. So I used Koolaid instead. I ate the whole bowl . . . it was awful.
This is That . . .
1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand: 2 A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness,
The question . . .
11 . . . . . .For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; Who can endure it?
The answer . . .
12 “ Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “ Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” 13 So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God,
15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; 16 Gather the people, Sanctify the congregation, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and nursing babes;
Tell them this . . .
1. The glory of God is coming. For the day of the Lord is great . . . Really good stuff for the people of God. I will pour out My Spirit in those days. 30 “ And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
2. Trouble is coming. . . . . and very terrible . . .
3. God is very merciful, very loving and very kind in the coming "glory" and "trouble".
4. Wholeheartedness is required . . . . rend your heart . . . all of it.
5. Fast and Pray . . . Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly, Gather the people.
I would encourage you to read all of Joel. It is only three chapters.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I was helping Taylor put some floor decking up in his attic. It is important to keep your feet on the rafters because if you step in between, your foot is likely to appear thru the ceiling in a room below and that would scare Banjo, poor kitty. Not to mention you could die. I was standing with each foot on two different rafters while lifting a sheet of 3/4 inch plywood with Taylor on the other end, lifting as well. While trying to wrestle it into position, I was knocked off balance and forced to take a giant step backwards. In a brief moment, I realized the danger, but could do nothing short of stepping down with the full force of my weight and the weight of the plywood. I was expecting the worse when my foot came down fully and squarely on a rafter. My first thought was "Hallelujah, I praise you Lord God that you direct my steps!" The thing is, that is not what I said. I kept that shout of praise silently tucked within. I think silent praises are good and fine, but sometimes we just need to shout it out. In an effort to be man pleasing and not offend (as if Taylor would be offended), I held back what I wanted to shout out to God. Next time, I'm shoutin'!
That . . .
Overheard at the second coming . . . "Myrtle! Did you see that?"
Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.
Revelation 1:7
This is That . . .
Why study end times? There are over 100 chapters in the Bible that have the end times as their main theme. It seems an important topic to God. As I posted earlier, the second coming is no small event, it is morehuger. Don't believe it is too hard a subject and too controversial for us to get. Scriptures on end times were written for all to understand - particularly now.
I also believe that scriptures on end times are meant to be interpreted literaly unless specifically identified as symbolic. A solid knowledge and understanding of God's leadership over the planet in the coming end time events will prepare you and the church to be victorious in love with power during the most dramatic time in history. We are preparing to transition between BSC (Before the Second Coming) to ASC (After the Second Coming).
Absolutely brobdingnagian. We need to know and be ready.
I encourage you to press in and not shrink back.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
Psalms 37:23
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Things are not always as they seem.
So they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?”
And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived.
Luke 21:7-8
The thing about being deceived is that if we are being deceived we don't know we are being deceived or we wouldn't be deceived. So how do we know? There is only one place to look and be sure . . . The Bible. I am saying this because I don't want you to believe anything I say just because I say it. If it doesn't line up with God's word . . . it just isn't so.
Read the Word . . . Study the Word . . . Pray the Word . . . Believe the Word.
That . . .
I was just driving along, minding my own business, when it happened. Suddenly I was thinking about squirrels. For one thing, I saw a squirrel standing on it's two back feet and realized that they have white tummies. Did you know that?
But more often when I see a squirrel while driving, it's because the squirrel is in the road and in danger of being smashed by my vehicle. Now squirrels live in trees right by the road. You would think they would understand cars and the danger they present and stay out of the road. Likewise, we live right near a road called willful disobedience. It is a broad road that leads to death. You would think we would understand the danger that road of sin represents and stay on the narrow road that leads to life.
As my car approaches the squirrel, confusion sets in. He runs that way, then this way, then changes his mind and runs the other way and winds up running in circles . . . finally narrowly escaping being squashed - or NOT. It is best to never choose that road as a place to play, but if we find ourselves there and find ourselves in a dangerous place, we need to decide even now that we will make a straight exit to safety, into the arms of Jesus.
Now that was kind of this, and this was kind of that, so I'm going to just say this was that and stop here.
There are no dots.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I have been trying to count the black dots in this picture.
Every time I get to one, I lose count.
THIS . . . is very annoying.
THAT . . .
What happens to an oriental guy if you spin him 'round and 'round and 'round?
THIS is THAT . . .
I think most Christians believe that Jesus is going to return to earth sometime - maybe soon.
Many believe that we are in the generation of His return. I do.
The creation story was big. The fall was big. The deliverance of Israel out of Egypt in Exodus was a "big deal". The flood had quite an impact on a lot of folks, particularly those outside of Noah's immediate family. The first coming of Jesus was pretty major, even if almost no one figured it out for 30 years . . . and then only a few. How big was the cross, the death and ressurection of Jesus our Lord?
All God . . . all good . . . and all big.
Jesus is coming back again . . . that will be even morehuger.
So what do we know, and what questions might we ask concerning this event of Biblical proportions? (pun intended)
Who is coming back? Will He come as the pre-existant Son of God, as a man or as God? Where will He come? How is He going to come? Why is He coming? How long will He be here? What is going to do when He gets here? When is He coming? Will He come as a thief in the night or will we be expecting Him?
Eschatology (the study of end times) is not an easy subject, but I believe we CAN KNOW and MUST KNOW what is on the heart of God as He leads us toward the day the "Bridegroom Jesus" will come for His bride and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords over all the earth. That will be one MOREHUGER event.
He gets disoriented.
Friday, June 30, 2006
I have questions about Ramen Noodle soup. The directions say to boil the noodles for three minutes, stirring occasionally. I understand that part, but then it says to turn off the heat and add the contents of the seasoning packet. Does anyone really wait til after the three minute boiling to add the seasoning? My question is why wait? I have tried it both ways and I can tell you it tastes much better if you put the seasoning in after a minute or two because then you can really eat it immediately. And then it says that this makes two servings! I have never served two out of a single packet - you have to eat the whole thing in one serving - it's a rule. If you want some, make your own. Two servings . . . the very idea! One more thing - the best way to open the package is with scissors - no arguments.
That . . .
A man forgot to get a present for his wife on their wedding anniversary. She informed him with that "wife look" that if he knew what was good for him, "When I look outside tomorrow, there had better be something in the drive way that goes from 0 to 200 in under two seconds!"
Of course he responded, "Anything for you, sweetheart".
And sure enough, there was something in the driveway, but it was only a small package.
She opened it up and found a set of scales! She stepped on and sure enough it went from 0 to 200 in under two seconds.
Funeral services are Saturday.
This is That . . .
What do you think about Jerusalem, the Jews, Israel and all of that?
Have gentile believers in Jesus replaced them as God's favorite?
God has not forgotten Israel, and he doesn't expect us to either.
“ Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15.
So what is going on in Israel, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, etc. God desires that we pray for Israel, and we can do that, but it is a little hard to pray specifically unless we have some understanding of what is happening. I ran across http://www.cfijerusalem.org/multimedia.asp?id=2&cat=1 while surfing around last night. Lance Lambert is a Messianic Jew and he gives a really good summary of the present situation. You can read it, or if you prefer you can sit back and listen.
This is that (stuff) we need to know. There is a growing hatred of the Jews, and thru it all we gentile believers need to be prepared to pray and stand with them thru whatever comes.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

I always wondered what a blogger was . . . now I am one.
Some of this will be this. Some of that will be that.
Some of "this will be that".
Acts 2:16-17
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughers shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
On each post I want to stir interest with what God is doing in these last days.
I encourage your responses.
Now . . . concerning global warming. I didn't used to think there was anything to it, but then I read of a scientific study which concluded that within the next six years they fully expect Hillary Clinton to completely defrost! I still am not sure I believe it.